02 November 2014

Rory and Patrick are Nine Months Old!


Rory and Patrick are now nine months old! They are just flourishing in their little world that just seems to be getting bigger as they do. They are really becoming best friends along with this big brother and it is so much fun to see. Watching siblings play and grow together is one of the coolest things I have witnessed as a parent so far. To see these little people that I love so much love one another makes me so happy. I still see a lot of similarities between the three of them but they are also so amazingly different.

And here we are out nine months old. I keep joking that they are old babies. They are so close to being toddlers which is just so bittersweet. I genuinely love the baby phase and will miss this so much, as much as I miss the sweet tiny newborn stage. I am doing my best to savor every sweet moment.

PATRICK: Patrick got his first tooth! Patrick does not like anyone to put their fingers in or near his mouth. He will scream bloody murder if I try, especially if I am trying to fish something out that he put in there. So we aren’t exactly sure when it surfaced though very little of it is actually through so probably just happened. I noticed today but Chip said he felt it yesterday when he was fishing a piece of dog food (apparently my twins’ first solids) out of Patrick’s mouth. I thought maybe I would get to enjoy that gummy smile a little longer but apparently the days are numbered and my tiny boy is growing up.  As of this morning Patrick is weighing in at 15 pounds almost 8 ounces. Apparently being so mobile an active slows my kids weight gain down which I expected because that was the trend with Elijah as well. He is just a little guy but he continues to be a champion nursling and is still exclusively breast fed. This baby can put away A LOT of Mama’s milk!

Patrick loves to cruise the furniture.  I still think the first steps are right around the corner but for now he is happy walking along the couch back and forth. He will do this for like twenty minutes at a time. He pulls up on anything he can get to. He loves to crawl and uses his mobility to chase Wrigley.  Patrick has developed enthusiasm and is very good at showing excitement. He loves to leave the house and if he is being carried to any door in the house that leads outside, he will begin jumping with excitement in your arms and making these little gasps coupled with heavy breathing and a giant smile. It is so cute! This reaction is also given when he is particularly happy about being picked up. He is just so sweet and so funny. He continues to have very intentional vocal play and his “words” sound like he is having a very quiet and intimate conversation. I just love his gentle voice.

This month I started letting the babies try bathing in the guest bath tub (which is smaller) by themselves and with their big brother. Patrick LOVES IT! He shows excitement ( in his cute little way) when we walk over to the bathtub and happily plays in there as long as I let him. He will over crawl down to his belly and happily kick his legs and splash on his tummy. It is SO CUTE!!!

Patrick loves to cruise as I said but if he is fussy, the best place for him is on Mama’s back. Most evenings that is where he can be found as I cook dinner and get ready for Chip to come home. Patrick has been sleeping pretty well through the night which is awesome. He will sometimes wake around 11pm for a feeding but other than that he is good to go until around 6 or 7.

This little baby has such sweet and funny little ways and it is so much fun to silently observe him as he does his thing. He is still pretty clingy with Mama and if he sees me, he wants to go to me but the separation anxiety seems to be lessening a little bit which is nice for us all.  It is no fun when any of my babies are stressed out. He is definitely a very special and precious little guy and I love being his mother!

RORY: Rory continues to have a jovial personality and can often be found cracking up at one thing or another. He is BIG EMOTIONS in general as he has always had. I see a lot of passion of life in him. Some may call it dramatic. In my child, I see it as passion and enthusiasm. He is VERY attached to Mama and so if I go somewhere that is is not convenient to take two babies, Patrick is the one that stays home with Daddy and Rory is my date.  Normally I can just wear him and he is pretty low maintenance if we are out.

As I said before, the boys started co-bathing with each other and their big brother instead of with me this month and Rory has made it clear that he does not like this. I don’t know if it is that he doesn’t like change or he is just not ready for this independent step but my guy who normally splashes happily in the bath cried the whole time. I tried it three times with him. One time solo, one time with Patrick and one time with both his brothers. I will probably continue to co bath with him some but also let him bathe with his brothers just to see if he gets used to it. I love co bathing with my babies but I started to think maybe they would get baths more often if I could get them in the tub without me. Plus it is fun to see them in there together and Patrick and Elijah seem to have real good time with it.

Today Rory tipped the scales at 16 pounds 12 ounces. This may sound familiar because it is exactly what he weighted last month. Rory was the first in the family to catch a really nasty stomach bug and was throwing up for 24 hours. Patrick was the only family member not to get it! Poor little Rory had it worse than anyone and as a result he lost about half a pound so really he gained half a pound this month but it was just putting back on what he had lost. Rory is still exclusively breast fed though if it were up to him he would be chowing down on whatever is in arm’s reach. I feel confident that when I do give my babies their first solids, they will be ready for them both physically and emotionally and it will be an experience to be enjoyed! But for now I am just loving the fact that I have been able to EBF them both for 9 months and counting. Rory, as always, would nurse all day if I offered it and lately, all night as well. He has had some major sleep “regression”. I say regression but he has never really slept through the night consistently. But lately he is up sometimes every hour. Neither baby will sleep in bed with me anymore which makes me sad because I LOVE cosleeping. But whenever I try to bring one in bed with me, even if they are almost asleep, they wake up and want to climb on me and climb around the bed and it just seems to be too stimulating. But I may try going to be with Rory when he goes to bed and starting him off in bed with me and see if that helps.  I don’t know why it would but I have got to try something to get this poor little guy (and his Mama) some rest. I would like to blame a developmental leap….and that is probably what it is….but right now it feels like it has been forever since he has gotten a decent night sleep. And yet he wakes up smiling and happy every morning! Cute little bugger! 

Rory has developed a very purposeful crawl up on all fours. He pulls up and cruises but he really wants to WALK! He will stand, holding on to something and let go with one hand, then the other than grab it again really quickly. He will look at me longingly with a giant smile that says, “I’m coming to get you Mama!” but then its as if he remembers he cannot walk yet. But oh how he wants to! You can just see it in his big blue eyes! I predict Patrick will take the first steps first but then Rory will talk off running shortly after and never look back.

Rory is just such a sweet and happy little boy. I see so much joy and elation in him. His eyes sparkle when he smiles and it amazes how loved a little baby can make me feel.

These two sweet boys continue to amaze and impress us. We are so blessed with these sweet three. Elijah, our sweet P, opened the door to parenthood for us and showered us with all these new, beautiful emotions. And our sweetheart babies, Patrick and Rory, have shown us there us no limit to how much or how many you can love. Oh how I love these children.

And without further ado….our nine month photos!


Here are all three boys at nine months old just for a fun comparison. The same of the eyes is what I see at similar for all three. And the fact that all three are SO STINKIN CUTE!


There’s my Rory, always laughing


Grandmother, you are so funny


Love that baby face


Such a sweet sheepish grin


I was teasing him with Grandmother’s Raggedy Anne doll. He thought it was hilarious.


My sweet boy


This little face just melts my heart


My newly toothed little guy!


To me he just has the cutest little feature. I mean, look at those tiny cute feet! Could you just die!


His face just lights up


Cheeeese Mama


Yup! I have two feet!


I’m not sure what he was looking at but that expression is priceless!


Well hellloooo up there!


Sweet shot of them playing together.


Here are a few shots of  bath time!





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