02 April 2015

Rory is 14 Months Old!

My sweet Rory is 14 months old and tipping the scales at just under 18 pounds. I am amazed at the development he has made this month and specifically the last couple days leading up to his 14 months “birthday”. Chip and I came home from being gone for three days to find him walking so much more efficiently and repeating words and sounds so  much more. Rory is still a Mama’s boy but he is reaching for Daddy and Grandaddy more and more. It was a hard month for my sweet three since Mama and Daddy were away so much due to the loss of their beloved Uncle Brad but Rory really shined through the time apart. And Chip and I were so surprised to walk in the door on their 14 month birthday to see Rory walk right across the room to us! My middle baby still likes to crawl but is walking more and more every day.
Rory still sleeps through the night most nights but I have to make sure to turn his nightlight off when I go to bed in the nursery because if he sees me, he thinks it is play time. As soon as both twins are consistently sleeping through the night I will move out of the nursery and move Patrick in so they can work on sleeping in the same room. Rory is a pretty good napper. If you catch him at just the right time, he will go down very easily and sleep for about an hour 2-3 times a day.
Rory is still my neatest eater out of all three. I am not sure how one so young can  manage to keep his hands and face so clean weather he’s eating organic O’s or bananas or pasta and sauce he requires very little clean up after his snacks and meals. He and Elijah can be found playing together most of the time. Rory loves to climb in Elijah’s cozy coupe truck and Elijah pushes him around the downstairs. Elijah will sit on Rory’s trains and Rory will push Elijah. The two of them are so funny and so much alike. I can see a friendship developing between all three of my boys. Patrick and Rory love to explore and discover together. They trade toys back and forth and babble back and forth to one another.
Rory LOVES to pretend. I have never seen such a young toddler pretend so much! Rory will pick up my phone, his toy phone or anything resembling a phone and put it to his ear and babble away. He pretends to drink from Elijah's toy cups that go to his kitchen. He pretends to eat play food and then offers some to us. And he will erupt in laughter when we nipple away. And he doesn't just chew it and put in his mouth....he will pretend to nibble like we do. He already has such an awesome imagination! He loves to play with cars and will push them back and forth. I love to watch him play!
Rory’s favorite things right now are baths with big brother Elijah, his lovey bunny rabbit “Bud”, smoothies (the typical lunch for my three), Mama’s milk (still nursing strong and often), cuddling (such a little cuddle bunny!), and going outdoors.
Rory doesn’t like going to the nursery at church, getting dressed or getting his diaper changed.
It is a wonderful adventure being Mama to this sweet little boy. I love him so much and am grateful for every day I have with him.
Cute little Rory all ready for some Egg hunting! ( We did their 14 month pictures a couple days late on 4/4 right before the Easter Egg Hunt at church).
I love his smile. He smiles so big with his whole face.
So handsome. And that hair is turning so red like his Reerah and his big brother!
Here he comes….
I spy with my little eye…..
….something super cute!
Rory loves a little game of Peekaboo

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