10 April 2015

Celebrating Easter Week


This has been a bitter sweet Easter for our family as we adjust to the idea that my dear brother Brad is no longer with us. As begin documenting our Easter recognitions and celebrations, I had no intention of mentioning him but it seems that his spirit is far from gone as every word I think or type comes to fruition, I feel my thoughts constantly drifting back to him on one level or another. And so, our Easter activities were memorable and great. But we did not for one second forget or stop mourning my brother, Brad.

That being said, I was heartwarmed by the sweet Easter themed pictures we managed to have taken a few weeks before Easter was upon us. I just love how they turned out. They perfectly captured our sweet boys!


They were so good at the photo shoot! So cooperative!


I love that great big smile! I can still see the baby in him when he smiles like this.


I got to jump in a few shots with my guys


So precious


Mama and her guy!


Good Friday, we have a tradition with Elijah of going on a Rock walk. We walk around this pond near our house which we started last year, and talk about sin, salvation and have Elijah pick up rocks that represent sin. When we go home we put the rocks at the foot of Jesus using a homemade cross display I made last year.

Good Friday I made hot cross buns for the first time and they were a huge hit! I think they will be a new Parish family tradition! They were even dairy and gluten free! We took our hot cross buns and had Good Friday dinner with Grandaddy and Granny and then went to church services. I LOVE Good Friday church services but unfortunately they decided not to have child care this year and since it was so close to bedtime for the kiddos we ended up having to leave after a couple songs.


Easter Eve was a busy day! I did a ton of cooking Good Friday and Easter Eve. Chip even caught a few shots of me putting together my now famous “cadbury” dairy free eggs. They are SO yummy!


Yup, me in my very flowery PJs had no idea I was being photographed.


This Easter season Elijah became very familiar with the concept of licking the beater!

Also on Easter Eve, our church hosted an Easter egg hunt and hot dog lunch. It was such a great time and all three boys had so much fun grabbing Easter eggs then devouring hot dogs!


Daddy and Rory as we arrived at church.


Elijah was READY

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Mama and her sweet Pfunk!

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Rory was geared up to go!


I could just eat him up!


I can’t believe they are getting so big.

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Daddy’s signature move


Elijah was very efficient!

Rory clapped every time he put an egg in.


Love that sweet gentle face.


Happy guy with all those eggs!

Our last preparation for Easter that we completed on Easter eve is the dying of Easter eggs. We went a little different route this year. First of all, I had really wanted to use natural dye. I contemplated this last year but it just didn’t happen so this year I was intentional and made a special trip to Whole Foods to pick up some….WHOLE FOOD to make into Easter egg dyes! We used red cabbage, blue berries, beets, tumeric and paprika. And it turned out awesome!!! We also peeled the eggs first because we all love deviled eggs and this way we could enjoy the NATURAL colors even though we peeled them right away for deviled eggs!


Mama and Elijah gearing up for egg dying!


Elijah and our special dyes



The finished product! In love with our natural dyes!

Easter morning was pretty traditional for us. We enjoyed Easter Baskets! I attempted to make resurrection rolls for breakfast but they were not a success. I used homemade honey marshmallows instead of store bought and so I’m wondering if that could be it. But they were still yummy even though the empty tomb effect was not achieved. The kids LOVED their Easter baskets and gifts!

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Elijah’s “sins” from our rock walk had been placed at the foot of Jesus’s cross and when he woke up on Easter they were replaced with flowers that we would put on the cross at church. He really seemed to be grasping the concept of salvation this Easter! It has been so exciting to watch!


Our little Easter bunny.

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Rory is clearly excited about Resurrection Sunday.  Okay maybe it is the pretty colors in his Easter basket.


Patrick looking cute in his new hat and checking out his Trader Joes lollipop….that Elijah ended up eating on his behalf.

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Ready to swim in his new pool!

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Our family photo by the Easter cross at our church. Love this tradition.


Rory kept wanting to look at the flowers so I kept having to turn around. It is a delicate dance trying to get a family photo nowadays. Heehee.


All the fellas big and small.


My little gentlemen.

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Big hugs for Granny.


Melts my heart. <3


I adore this boy


Some cuddles with Reerah.


And by the Grace of God we managed to get one good group shot!

It was a really blessed week and a very special day.

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