26 April 2015

Elijah Is Three Years Old

Three years of laughter and tears. Three years of learning together. Three years of hugs and kisses. Three years being Mama to this sweet boy. Three years of him blessing our home and our lives with his genuine sweetness and love. Our Elijah is three years old. I cannot believe it. He was my biggest wish come true and we have had him three whole years!
Elijah is an amazing little boy. He always has been.  Right from birth, Elijah seemed to be ahead of the game and he continues his journey a few steps ahead. Our sweet boy amazes us with his capacity to learn and understand. Many of his skills he has been doing for a year or more such as all colors, shapes, numbers and letters. He now (and for quite some time) can identify 48 sight words. He can recall and communicate stories as well as create stories for your and his entertainment. He loves to perform and knows ten songs that I can think of (probably a few more) by heart. He knows Mama and Daddy’s first names (and will sometimes call his Daddy by his first name and erupt into giggles because he knows that is so silly to do). He loves to learn about Jesus and is beginning to understand salvation. He loves to talk to people about this and has informed several of the adults in his life that he is going to heaven and asks them if they know Jesus.
Elijah learned about death this year when he lost his Uncle Brad and relates it (as he was taught) to Jesus and Salvation and going to Heaven. At least once a day he will tell me that he can’t wait to see Uncle Brad when he goes to heaven. This child has a heart for the Lord already and I am so grateful that he is already embracing Truth.
Elijah continues to love the idea of chores although I have toned down his chore list a bit. He now waters the plants and helps me vacuum (which sometimes means he actually vacuums with our small stand up dirt devil and sometimes it means he pretends to vacuum along with me.) He also still helps empty the dishwasher. I will probably have him start setting the table again soon but we sort of fell out of that habit as well as clearing his plate. He also is proficient at day to day self care including brushing his teeth (though Daddy will sometimes give him a bit of help just to be sure he gets them all), putting clothes in the hamper, washing his hands, cleaning up his toys (though he gets help with that too) and putting dishes in the sink.
Elijah has amazing manners. All day long we hear “Please” , “Thank you” , “ Yes ma’am/sir” “Pardon Me” (instead of Huh which took some work)  etc. He is very affectionate, a total cuddler which I adore. He will often ask “Mommy, would you like to sit on the couch with me?” and I will remember to slow down and take time to cuddle with my sweet firstborn. He is very good about expressing his needs.  His doctor is super impressed with how well he can express what is wrong when he is not feeling well and said such great communication skills are very unusual for someone his age.
Elijah potty trained at 2 1/4 and has been accident free since a month after that. (And this Mama was grateful to no longer have three in diapers!). He seems to catch on to concepts really fast.
Our sweet boy is a music lover. Big time. He loves all kinds of music…..rock, children’s, praise music, Celtic (especially bagpipes). He loves to sing, and enjoys playing all the instruments he can get his hands on but especially the guitar, drums and most recently the bagpipes (a birthday gift from Mama and Daddy).  He loves to build things and make crafts and we try to do lots of crafts and coloring at home. His favorite shows are Peppa Pig and bubble guppies. He loves Frozen and Despicable Me and his Preschool Prep videos. He has enough favorite songs that we were able to make a 10 song mix of his favorites for his birthday party! His favorite color is still blue and he still loves dogs, swimming and playing outside.
He loves babies….LOVES them! If there is a baby anywhere nearby, that is where he is. He loves holding and playing with his baby brothers but his adoration for babies is not limited to them. He is gentle and loving and has his own “babies” and loves to feed them (yes, he nurses them with his belly button) and changes their diaper, takes them to the doctor and does basically everything he sees Mama and Daddy doing with his brothers. He wanted a crib for his babies so I gave him a shopping basket for now but hope to find him a gender neutral cradle for him to use. 
Elijah loves soccer and can already kick the ball straight and pretty far. He also loves basket ball and can dribble! He loves to cook and when Mama is in the kitchen, wants to help. He is definitely a very well rounded little boy.
Elijah is outgoing and has no problem meeting and talking to new people. But he is also very sensitive and his feelings are easily hurt. Oh how I want to protect him from this cruel world as long as possible…..like forever! As he gets older and I see him interact more independently with others and the world in general, I see and imagine so many potential hurts for him and I pray that Chip and I are able to guide him to be a strong and faithful boy and one day man, that will rise above it all.
This journey of parenting Elijah has been the most wonderful three years and it just keeps getting better. He is an incredible little boy and I cannot wait to see what this next year will bring!
Every year for my children’s birthday’s I make a montage video concentrating a song or two from birth and then a couple of song just focusing on the previous year. It is something that I treasure and love to share. I hope you love it as much as I loved making it.

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