02 April 2015

Patrick is 14 Months Old


Patrick, my little Pfunk is 14 months old! Our little guy continues to plateau at 16 1/2 pounds so we are going to start getting him checked out just to make sure there is nothing that we can or should be doing to ensure more weight gain. Our main concern is that he seems to chew up and spit out a lot of his solid meals so I began inquiries with the lactation consultant that we used for him when he first came home from the NICU and will see where we go from there. I’ll continue to update as I learn more. He is a very very messy eater, largely due to the fact he spits out a lot of his food. He does seem to love fruits and veggies the most though Mama’s milk is still his favorite. He also enjoys daily smoothies and loves to drink water.

Patrick is becoming fiercely independent. On several occasions I have been downstairs with the kids and all of a sudden I hear toys going off upstairs in the game room only to find that Patrick has figured out how to open the gate and scaled the stairs finding the toys he wanted to play with. He is a resourceful one! He still loves to watch and take in his little world. Still my deep thinker. As independent as he is, I do think that Chip’s and my time away was the hardest on the littlest Parish. Since we have returned from my brother’s memorial Patrick just absolutely loses it when I put him down or leave the room so I have tried to spend a little extra one on one time with him when I can.

Patrick is still a champion napper. He will nap anywhere from 3-5 hours a day total and sometimes it is all in a row. Most nights he sleeps through the night though lately he has been waking up a little bit more. I am hoping that as I move the twins into the room together they will find comfort in one another (instead of waking one another) and will both sleep well together. Miracles do happen!

Patrick still loves animals and especially Wrigley and my in laws dog, Beamer. He cuddles and pets them and will seek them out. He loves to play with his brothers and he and Rory can often be found playing in Elijah’s kitchen.

I am amazed at how well Patrick listens. If we gently tell him “no” he will stop whatever he is doing. Most of the time he will move on to something else after just one or two times but occasionally he will cry, but still listen. He seem to be my rule follower. So glad to have one of those! Heehee .

Patrick loves animals, Mama’s milk, naps, going outside, tickles, being worn, and music.  Patrick is not a fan of going to the nursery at church, baths (this is a new phase), or be separated at all from Mama right now.

Patrick brings a quiet peace to our house that we as a family really enjoy and appreciate. He is a precious little boy and I love being his Mama!


Our little cutie patootie


Here comes Patrick!


Love this sweet boy’s smile!


Such a Patrick expression


My sweet Pfunk.


My unique little boy.


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