22 February 2015

Rory Vs. Eczema: Our Battle Begins


Well with the beginning of solid foods for Rory, the dreaded eczema has made an appearance. Elijah had suffered through some issues on his bottom which was an issue this summer but continued when he went diaper free in August and we were just never able to get it under control. I tried homemade ointments, prescriptions ointments, dietary changes, toiletry changes…everything. Well at the twins’ one year doctor’s appointment just before their first birthday, I had Dr. Debroeck take a look at Elijah’s bottom and it was confirmed to be eczema. We were given a few more non-prescription suggestions but after trying those for two weeks I found myself calling the good doctor requesting a prescription to finally get rid of this painful rash that his been torturing my poor first born for SIX MONTHS. Well around the time of the original doctor’s appointment, Rory had the beginnings of a rash. Now Elijah never had diaper rash his first year. I believe this is because he was in cloth diapers. Once I was pregnant and going through hyper stimulation in my early twin pregnancy, started wearing disposables and as much as I would have loved to cloth the twins (and will totally cloth any future singletons) it was just not something that was a priority with trying to take care of three two and under when the twins came along. So they have had a moderate share of diaper rash.

When Dr. Debroeck saw Rory’s bottom and a rough patch on his upper thigh, it was diagnosed also as eczema. A couple weeks later, Rory began solids and shortly after that, his eczema slowly began to spread. Its not red or inflamed…you would not even notice it if you didn’t feel it but it is there. Just scaly yucky feeling and you know it has to feel dry and itchy. My poor baby. Because we delayed solids for one whole year, I was not as slow to introduce foods as I was with Elijah. But it does seem that the severity of Rory’s eczema is linked to eating solid foods.

So…..we are right now tying to get this skin disorder under control. We have scaled back solids and basicially offer a Gluten Free version of the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) and increased nursing sessions so he is pretty much back to EBF with a little solids to fill his tummy while we wait for the rash to go away. Then slowly we will start to reintroduce solids and pay close attention to his skin. I also want to add probiotic and fermented foods to his diet as I know eczema is often a gut issue. I wish I had all my kids on probiotics every day but that is just not something that is in our family budget right now. I am hoping that I can make appealing fermented foods that can do the trick.

I would love to hear from anyone that his dealt with this and suggestions or holistic recipes that you can share!

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