02 February 2015

Baby B Turns One Year Old!


Our strong, brave baby B is one year old today. It is hard to believe that the tiny soul that stole our heart the moment we found out there were two heart beats is a whole year old. When I think of all the odds this little guy beat, my heart just soars and my sometimes wavering faith is instantly restored. Patrick, our Baby B, was not breathing and had no heartbeat at the time of his emergency cesarean birth. He spent twelve long days in the NICU and 6 weeks at home on blood thinner shots administered into his very skinny legs by his Mama. In a matter of twelve months he has achieved so many milestones ahead of schedule. He has been evaluated several times to check that his is progressing at appropriate levels and has passed all evaluations with flying colors, far surpassing the expectations of of a little one who experienced a non traumatic birth. This little boy is smart and developed and loves to connect with other people. He is clearly our deep thinker and can been seen not only studying the world around but really enjoying being a part of it was well. He started smiling early like his twin and older brother though his smiles were more of a rarity and required a little effort on the part of the receiver. As he has grown and matured, those smiles have become somewhat of a signature trait that are almost constantly seen on that precious little face. It is often commented about Patrick “That baby smiles ALL the time!”. We really have such happy children.

As of this morning Patrick is sixteen pounds and two ounces. He is a tiny boy with a HUGE heart. Patrick has been exclusively breastfed until Saturday when we offered his first solid of fancy piped sweet potatoes (which I made extra fluffy with Mama’s milk!) and Patrick dug right in. He is clearly excited and ready for this new adventure of solid food and even tasted some scrambled eggs and banana since then. I plan to continue to nurse this little guy as long as he wants and he still LOVES his Mama’s milk but I can clearly see that he is thrilled to have solids as a part of his new cuisine.

Patrick took his first steps a couple of weeks ago and has not stopped since! Yesterday he took 8 steps! He loves balance standing and very rarely crawls. He loves to grab a hold and pull up then slowly take his hands off of whatever he is using for support, holding his hands carefully up in the air and a big smile on his face. He will do this over and over again like a game and is so proud of himself in this accomplishment.

Patrick has a very gentle voice and loves to “talk” like his brother, in his own little twin language. His voice is quiet and deliberate. He says Mama and Dada and will repeat several words but does not use any others consistently at this point. He loves to repeat sounds and faces. Like Elijah at this age, Patrick thinks it is hilarious to stick his tongue out and waits for a response. Patrick has five teeth (Rory has just one more with 6) and no signs of either cutting any more at this time. I love cute toothy grin and bright eyes. Mama’s “mini me” is often called our “pretty boy”.  It is amazing to me to watch him move and interact. He is really so small….falling at the .4 percentile…yes less than half…so really small but there is nothing small about his personality or accomplishment. I have no doubt this boy will do great things.

Patrick loves loves loves dogs. All my kids really love dogs and animals but Patrick has this special connection and will go out of his way to find Wrigley and lay by him or pet him. He does the same with my in laws dog, Beamer (and their beloved Henry who we recently lost) and any other dog he comes in contact with. Patrick seems to be pretty independent and plays just as well by himself as he does with his brothers.

I love to see how Elijah loves to take care of Patrick and Rory. He loves to help me change diapers. He runs over to give hugs and kisses if one of his little brothers is crying and often asks to hold them and hug them. He is an amazing big brother and Patrick just adores him. His eyes light up when Elijah pays attention to him.

Patrick has been an amazing sleeper from the beginning and now he almost always sleeps through the night. I make sure to feed him before I go to bed around 10 but I almost always have to wake him up to do this. He is just such a pleasant baby and super easy for others to take care of. We know we never need to worry when Reerah and Grandaddy or Miss Mallory are babysitting him. He is just an easy going guy.

I love watching this little boy explore his world. Patrick has the cutest little face and makes the sweetest most adorable expressions. He seriously has one of the most expressive faces I have ever seen. It is fun to sit and watch him react and interact with his little world.

It is hard to believe that one year ago began the most heart wrenching and yet blessed twelve days of my life. As I look down at the tiny face who is nursing as I type this (no one can multi task  like a Mama of twins), I am so grateful for the strong, brave, amazing and beautiful little boy looking back up at me. When he was in the NICU, the nurses told me that he is the kind of baby that makes you want to have babies…..and they are so right. (Though I do think that about all three of my precious boys!). Thank you Patrick for teaching us that strength and bravery come in small packages. You are a blessing and an inspiration.

Thank you to my sweet friend MJ Coker, who took our Valentine themed family photos celebrating the Parish twins first year of life. Valentines day will forever be special for our family because not only were we due on that day but it is the day Patrick left the NICU and came home to join our family of five.


Mama and her sweetheart babies


I LOVE being a Mama of twins!


So much joy in those little faces


Mama and her sweet three.


Such unique little boys.


Precious brothers. Nothing sweeter .


Small and mighty


My cute little nugget


He was getting so excited during his photo shoot


So big!


I LOVE this shot!


All Mama’s guys!


Beautiful boy





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