02 February 2015

Baby A is One Year Old!


It is hard to believe my sweet boy, my VBAC baby, is already one year old! I remember when I was pregnant thinking about this day but that I had plenty of time before toddlerhood was upon us. And although all my children will always be “my babies”, Rory is officially a one year old!

He fills our home with laughter and smiles and lights up every room the moment he cruises in. He has very BIG emotions and really LOVES his Mama although he is really building an amazing bond with his Daddy too. And although he is very particular about who he reaches for, his list of favorite caregivers is expanding as he begins to spread his love and adoration around.

As of today Rory is seventeen pounds four ounces. He is in the 4th percentile for weight so still a pretty small fellow. He was offered his very first solid at his birthday party on Saturday but was not interested and will probably continue to be EBF (exclusively breastfed) for a while longer, though we do play to continue to offer solids per babyled weaning.  Rory took his first steps several weeks ago and loves to walk pretty long distances while holding on to one hand of whoever is walking with him. He looks so cute as he toddles along by my side.

It has been so much fun to watch my twins together as they learn about being brothers from their BIG BROTHER, Elijah. Rory and Elijah already have a really special bond. Their personalities are very similar and they seemed to have already figured this out. They both like to learn by doing and I love watching them learn together. Oh how it fills my heart to watch my three boys play together as they can so often be founding doing.  I love seeing Elijah willingly offering his favorite toys to his brothers to play with and letting Rory push him on his ride on toys. (I find that particularly cute and pretty hilarious).

Sleep has been something that Rory and I are still trying to figure out together. This is something very unique to him as our other two boys have always been pretty amazing sleepers. Rory loves to nurse throughout the night which I love. Those sweet times in the middle of the night when it is just he and I awake are something I will always treasure. Though lately, more often than not, Rory will not go back to seep and so Chip has been giving me two nights off to catch up on sleep and amazingly, Rory will cuddle up and go right to sleep for him most of the time. It has been a nice little blessing for them as father and son to bond through slumber and an incredible gift of love from my hardworking husband to give to me. Although nighttime sleep is somewhat of a puzzle, Rory is a pretty good napper if we are at home. I am pretty good at reading his sleepy cues for naptime and he will take 2-3 naps every day though he is a shorter napper than either of his brothers averaging about 45 minutes per nap.

As I said, Rory is so full of personality and loves to “talk”. He says Mama, Dada and Ball. He also loves to have conversations in his own baby “coo” and especially loves to talk to his twin brother. They really do seem to understand one another in their own “twin language”. Rory has hit most of his milestones super early including rolling over both ways, crawling, sitting up and pulling up. The fact that walking independently  is taking a little longer is kind of nice. I get to keep my “baby” a little longer!

Rory has been so very attached to “Mama” from the very beginning. He loves to be worn. He loves to be held while Mama dances with him. This is something we do daily together in our music loving household. He loves to clap and especially to  music. He adores his big brother. Rory has an AMAZING sense of humor. He will spontaneously start laughing at something he spots on tv, balloons, silly faces in books. He finds so many things hilarious and that sweet musical laugh fills us with so much joy.

This little boy is so precious and amazing. I am so honored and blessed to be his Mama. Being with him and around him all day everyday is so beautiful and special. Thank you Rory for all the amazing blessings you bring to our home!

Our one year photos were taken by my friend MJ of Knucklebug Photography! She did an amazing job capturing our twins and our family of five! We chose a Valentines theme because not only were the babies due on Valentines day (I called them my sweetheart babies throughout pregnancy) but our little Patrick came home from the NICU on that day!


Mama and her sweetheart babies!


I can’t believe these babies were once in my belly TOGETHER!


My boys’ personalities perfectly captured!


Our sweetheart babies


I was so excited about finding these perfect outfits on etsy!


My sweet Rory


Checking out what big brother is doing.


My little boys….SO BIG!


Daddy and his little fellows.


Mama and her boys


Our sweet family of five



Great shot of Daddy and Rory.





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