We made it to our first breastfeeding goal! It had been my intention to not only nurse my next baby (which ended up being babies!) full term meaning how ever long they wanted to nurse hopefully around two years, but to delay solids and exclusively breastfeed for the first year. I had planned to give each baby their first solid at or after their own one year mark. For Rory that would have been on their birthday. For Patrick it would have been a little different. Patrick did not get to eat the first four days of his life due to his cooling treatment and while his first food was Mama’s milk straight from the breast, he had many bottles during his 12 days stay in the NICU, some of Mama’s milk, some donor at the very beginning, no formula per our request. Once Patrick got home it took us about a week to get him off the bottle 100% so I was thinking of using that as his 1 year mark. It was important to my husband that they had some sort of celebratory treat at their birthday party which was two days before their actual birthday and since marriage is about compromise, we agreed that their first food, sweet potatoes, would be offered on that day. I even managed to make them look festive by whipping them with some breastmilk and piping them in cupcake liners, to look like frosting. It was a lot of fun and a big hit!
So what was exclusively breastfeeding twins for almost a year like? Well first let’s me define what EXCLUSIVE means for our family. First of all, a few months ago our babies decided that they were ready for solid…..DOG FOOD. So yes…..they went after Wrigley’s food every chance they got and I fished that out of their mouths along with other floor delicacies that any baby (EBF or otherwise) would find appealing. I can tell from diaper changes that nothing was ingested and so even though they tried to make dog food their first food, I can safely say it was not!
Second, as babies get older, they require more calories. My babies tended to cluster feed (basically want to eat constantly not really giving me a chance to rebuild supply before the next feeding) in the early evening when my supply was naturally at its lowest. Because I was a dedicated pumper (10-20 ounces every morning!) I had a huge supply of my own milk in the deep freeze….maxing out at around 4K ounces. Once the twins hit about nine months old, I would offer bottles of frozen breastmilk if I was at all worried they were not getting enough directly from the source. Rory just never took to the bottle. I can probably count on one hand the total number of ounces he has ever taken from a bottle. Patrick was fine with taking in additional milk this way and so yes, we did supplement occasionally with him using my own breastmilk. If anyone asks me the key to EBFing for one year, I would say having a decent size stash built up in the freezer in key. Your baby may not take it (like Rory) but if I had not had that for Patrick, it would have been really challenging to reach this goal.
One of my favorite things about nursing twins was tandem feeding! It was such a cool experience and a neat way for them to bond. When they were newborns and young babies, they loved to tandem and look at one another and touch each other's faces. Once they hit about seven or eight months, they started having (what is referred in the twin breastfeeding community as) food fights. Basically they both wanted me to themselves and would kick, punch and pull one another’s hairs. So no more tandem nursing. Only recently have I tried it again and been successful. This seems to coincide with them playing more together and following one another around. That twinship bond is building strong!
One YEAR! It feel pretty awesome. Although at this point with Elijah I was preparing for my next pregnancy and it makes me a little sad that is not where we are right now, I am thrilled that it means I can keep on nursing my sweet little twins for hopefully another year! In recognition of achieving this first year EBF goal, I wanted some sort of legacy item or keepsake. I found this company Mommy Milk Creations who creates jewelry using your own breastmilk! I found two designs that I love….one is a heart design that would have been PERFECT for my sweetheart Valentines babies but she was sold out of that design when I placed my order. It has since come into stock but she is in such high demand, not only is the turnaround time up to one year, she won’t let you make changes to your order once it has been placed and so I am expecting my second choice (pictured below) to be delivered in about a year. It is such a cool and unique way to celebrate this precious season of life and the pendant is one I know I will love to wear and it will be a great conversation piece!
I am just so happy and humbled by this journey with my twins. It has definitely been a family effort to make this work. Elijah has had to wait for his requests while Mama fed not one but two babies and not always at the same time. Chip has had to take over more than his share of duties to make this work. I could not have done this without my family and I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to meet a goal that was and is very important to me. I know that breastfeeding is not important to everyone and most people would not choose to EBF as long as I have, but for the twins and me, it was an amazing journey and I am already enjoying nursing my boys on a while new level as we continue to slowly introduce solids into their diet.
One more side note on breatfeeding support. My babies are small, small but very healthy. Not once did our family doctor (who we adore) question EBFing for one year or show anything but support. Not all doctors would have been so supportive. Many doctors would have pushed us to supplement solids or even formula. We are very blessed to have Dr. Julius Debroeck in our corner. He has been a blessing to our family and supportive of our parenting choices, including our breastfeeding endeavors. So many thanks to him as well!
I’d like to leave you with a collection of photos that shows our one year exclusive breastfeeding journey!
Not a breastfeeding photo but one of my favorite shots of Rory showing his support!
A little karaoke with my nursing
Patrick’s first latch in the NICU. He knew exactly what to do even though he had been kept unstimulated for his first four days!
Newborn Rory snuggling up. Oh how I love the newborn days.
When I first started tandem I used a My Breastfriend pillow which was a huge help. Here my boys had some lunch together.
We were counted x2 at The Big Latch On!
Nursing Rory (look how TINY!) and pumping for Patrick at the hospital.
Patrick already a little pro at a month and a half old.
Nursing my little chick on Easter Sunday.
Nursing my boy in the Bluebonnets. Can’t wait to recreate this photo in the spring!
Strawberry picking and nursing
One of my favorite shots.
Another favorite shot…nursing baby Rory.
Birth Rally Breastfeeding!
Birth Rally Baby!
Loved this breastfeeding mini session in November!
Breastfeeding with my sweet “Aunt”.
A quick nip before digging into birthday sweet potatoes!