25 December 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Our Christmas Day was not quite what I envisioned but it was beautiful and memorable nonetheless.  Instead of focusing on what wasn’t, I will focus on what was. It was a fun morning followed by the beginning of an awesome trip we enjoyed with family and friends near and far.
I was the first to wake up. I had prepared my holiday special breakfast of French toast casserole the night before and went down to preheat the oven. I turned on my favorite Christmas pandora station and illuminated the trees so that when my family came downstairs, they would see, hear, smell and hopefully FEEL the Christmas spirit. I know they won’t remember every special moment but you just never know when you will help to create one that sticks!
The twins were the second to wake up Christmas morning and I enjoyed some one on two time with them as I nursed them breakfast and we played in the nursery. Elijah was still stricken with a high fever on and off starting in the morning. We were up early, as is usual for our family on Christmas and has always been my own personal “tradition”. (I always was the first awake in my house growing up!). I took the kids in to wake up Daddy. Since “Reerah” was still terribly sick we would not wake for her and Grandaddy to come over before taking the children downstairs as we did last year and planned to do.  Their presence that morning was missed but we knew that Reerah needed her rest and we would get to say Merry Christmas later in the day.
I have always loved that moment of walking into the living room and seeing the tree with rivers of gifts beneath it and the spirit of the holiday in the air. I’m not sure Elijah is quite there yet but I hope my children enjoy that thrill and excitement one day. Poor little Elijah was so sick but his eyes still seemed to dance with excitement at all that was waiting for him downstairs.
We had a really family fun morning opening gifts together. Chip and I put so much thought into what we believed our kiddos would enjoy and it was so much fun to watch them open and play with their toys with delight.
We had wonderful leisurely morning as a family of five (six with Wrigley!) playing together, tasting treats, enjoying breakfast and then were so excited to enjoy some time with the Senior Parishes. It was a brief visit due to Chip’s mom flu…….oh how sad to be that sick but ESPECIALLY on Christmas! Janet Parish has told me before that the Mama is the one that really designs the Christmas experience for the family. This is an example I love to follow and I KNOW it was so hard for her to not be able to do that this year with us. I know she had yummy meals planned and wanted to enjoy the time with us. I was excited to enjoy the Christmas Eve she had planned and for her to enjoy the Christmas Day we had planned.  I hope she knows that all we felt for her being sick was sad that she was not with us but our main concern was her health and there will be many more Christmases together. (We love you Reerah and are so happy you are feeling better now!)
Grandaddy took her home after we exchanged gifts and came back later bearing Mexican food. (Yes, please!). It was not your traditional dinner but it was perfect for this particular occasion. Shortly after an early supper, we packed my Odyssey….like literally packed it to the brim….and headed to the airport to begin our vacation visiting our family in the North!

Our sweet little Rory, taking it all in.
Elijah giving Patrick his gift from Santa. Santa brings each child one or two gifts for Christmas. We explain that Jesus gave us salvation and because Santa loves Jesus he GIVES gifts for Jesus’s birthday!
Elijah loved his kitchen and shopping cart from Santa. Santa knew that Elijah LOVES to pretend to cook!
Since they now have five teeth each, the twins got their FIRST toothbrushes!
Although Elijah was in a very sweet and happy mood all day, this was one of the few smiles I caught of our poor little sick guy.
When Elijah went to see Santa he told him he wanted a candy cane for Christmas. And he got TWO!
He seemed more excited about his Bubble Guppies toothbrush! That a boy!
Someone else loves their toothbrush too.
Daddy was thrilled with his Simpsons hot sauce collection.
One of Mama’s favorites
Elijah loved the Melissa and Doug wooden food for his new kitchen!
Daddy showing Elijah how the magnadoodle works!
Elijah picked out presents for his brothers. He was excited to give them their presents.
A little Christmas morning nursing with Rory. .
My little P-funk enjoying the morning.
Wrigley was really excited.
Okay seriously, does it get any cuter?
Elijah loved his first remote control car! I remember that was a big deal for my brother, Mark, when he was little and I was so excited to find a preschooler friendly one for Elijah!
My yummy French toast bake. SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!
Chip gave his Daddy matching ties for the two of them. I can’t wait to see them sporting these together!


Multitasking Mama!
My tricky husband….he gave me a robe and put these really pretty tiny hoop earrings in the pocket! They are perfect because I haven’t been able to wear my usual big hoops. Rory likes to try to rip them out and my ears have felt so naked! I am so excited to have earrings that are pretty and yet  small enough for him to not be interested!
Patrick getting some love from Grandaddy!
Elijah enjoyed his new cars. He loves to line them up. He will even do this with big cars….and his toy lawn mowers….pretty much everything. It is funny because I remember doing this when I was little with matchbox cars and with the family’s shoes.
Christmas baby wearing!
Since Reerah was sick I promised no face pictures but this was just so sweet to see them checking out the neighborhood action.
Me and my sweet little candy cane.
Rory loved his new ride on toy!
The twins both got ride on toys they could push and Elijah jumped on one and had a little fun with Rory while Patrick took one of his long naps.
I just love the expression on his face here. Be still my heart.
Daddy and Rory having some fun at the airport.
Elijah feeling better at the airport. I put the three of them in PJ’s. Our flight left at 7:30pm. I had hoped they would sleep on the flight. They. Did. NOT.
More Christmas baby wearing. Ready to board our flight!

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