06 December 2014

Christmas Season: Family Photos, Seeing Santa and The Wunderlich Christmas Market


It was a wonderful day full of Christmas season celebration. Our family took our annual Christmas card photos. What did I learn this time around? When we are scattered I need to pay attention to my aperture so I am not blurry. But really they turned out pretty darn great other than that. All the kids cooperated beautifully. We opted not have to have Wrigley in the pictures this year just because with three kiddos two and under it was a lot to organize. Hopefully our “Rea” as Elijah calls him can be the photo again next year. My awesome friend, neighbor (and a new Mama herself!) came over to take the shots for us as she has done in years past and she took over a hundred photos in about three minutes! I’ll save my favorites as a surprise for those of you getting the Parish Family Christmas card but here are a few that I love that didn’t make the cut.


Obviously this is a favorite because you will see it in our December blog banner.


My cutie Patrick all dress up and ready for his picture to be taken.


I love the look on Elijah’s face here and that Jack Nicholson “eyebrown” (another Elijah-ism)


Rory looking so handsome in his Christmas threads.


Look at that cute little gentleman!


Daddy and our little P-funk!


Mama and her mini me!


Love our sweet three.


I could not believe how well all three behaved! They are always good kids but I never expected such an easy photo shoot and all three to be this happy at once!


After our photo shoot, the kids and I headed to meet “Reerah” at Wunderlich farms to see Santa Santa and have a look around the Christmas market. It was such a fun way to get start feeling festive! There was the usual tents of artisans peddling their wares that you find at the monthly farmers market but there was so much more including rag doll making (Which Elijah ejoyed), corn husk doll making, basket weaving and so much more. It was really a fun morning and we were able to see and do everything we wanted in about an hour and a half which was perfect for my three littles who had a busy morning to begin with.

Our first stop was to see Santa. I wanted to get the traditional Santa picture done while everyone was still smiling and happy.


I loved the Santa set up they had. After spending almost $50 last year for a sub-par photo at the mall, I was ecstatic to see this awesome and unique set up that offered “take your own” photos for a $5 donation.


I am so in love with these pictures. I love that none of my kids are crying and the set up was perfect for my three!


Elijah had a chat with Santa. He told him he wanted popcorn for Christmas.


Elijah and his friend, Santa.


Elijah was so excited to see all the cool things going on at the Farm!


My little Rory, smiling as always. Patrick was on Mama’s back as usual.


This is one of the farm houses that was turned into a museum.


Elijah tried and loved his very first candy cane….a gift from Santa Clause.


Elijah and his “Reerah” (Elijah’s pet name for Grandmother). The two redheads in the family!


There was a self defensive demonstration and Elijah tried his hand at being the family protector. He pretty much just rubbed the dummy’s belly since he knows not to hit.


He loved trying on the helmet though!


Me and the monkey on my back!


Elijah discovered he LOVES tamales!


He also made his very own ragdoll with the help of one of the younger volunteers!


Mama giving Elijah a little help finishing up his doll.

photo 1

photo 2

I also scored so me really YUMMY jams that we later found out were made by a school friend of Grandmother’s. SO YUMMY!

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