02 December 2014

The Twins Turn 10 Months Old!


Our twins are ten months old. They are just two short months away from being a whole year. I can barely believe it. They are slowly becoming less and less “baby”. Watching them grow and develop has been such a beautiful blessing. They are both so smiley and sweet. I love getting to spend my days with them and their big brother!

Rory: Rory weighted in at a whopping 17 pounds 5 ounces and is in the 5th percentile. This little boy is always on the move and when I get busy with household tasks, he can be found following me around saying “Mama Mama Mama”. Still exclusively breast fed, no solids for this boy yet though I have dipped my finger in different flavors (oranges etc) and put it on his tongue for him to taste and he will stick his tongue out again as a way of asking for more. It will be fun to watch him explore solid foods in another couple of months. Rory got a third tooth (upper right on the side…not the middle). I was surprised by the teething order. When it comes in my little Rory will look like a jack-o'-lantern.

Rory and I have been on several outings one on one. He is a night owl and behaves really well when I take him on Moms night with my friends to dinner or the movies. He is very social and loves these little adventures. Lately, nights have been somewhat of an adventure. Rory does not get fussy except when he is in his crib. But he wants to stay up all night…..he is very pleasant about it but I makes it difficult for this mama to get much sleep. My head tells me that this child NEEDS more sleep but he really does well on minimal sleep. I hope this is just a phase and that he learns to embrace sleep like the rest of us.  Rory is still pulling up and cruising all over the place but has not learned to balance without holding on to something yet.

Patrick: My little Patrick is 15 pounds 10 ounces. Still little but still so strong! This little boy is ALWAYS cruising. He can make it from room to room without having to get on all fours while holding on to furniture, people, Wrigley….whatever is nearby! He can stand alone for several seconds and I think we will have a walker soon!  Patrick is still exclusively breast fed as well but he has developed a taste for dog food. Gross.

Patrick got his first tooth at the end last month and his second came in the beginning of November so now he has his two bottom teeth. He HATES to have fingers put in his mouth so not only does he probably swallow a lot of the dog food he samples (again, ew!) but it is hard to keep tabs on his teething. I do believe I see his third getting ready to break through in same spot (but opposite side) as Rory’s third. Again, an odd order for teething. We will soon see if I am right!

Patrick is still so fascinated with Wrigley. He just seems to adore animals and can often be found hanging outside of Wrigley’s kennel or kneeling in front of Wrigley touching his face. Such a little animal lover!

Patrick continues to LOVE his baths with Elijah! This little sea monkey will splash and crawl around the tub. The funniest thing I see him do is sit up and lean forward putting his mouth in the tub to drink the water. Such a funny guy. He does love to drink water and discovered big brother’s cambak cup this month and quickly figured out how to drink from it.

Elijah as a big brother: Elijah has this big brother thing down! When one of the twins starts crying, Elijah will run over and give them a hug or kiss them on the head. Okay sometimes he tells them to be quiet but hey, he is two. He regularly tells his brothers that he loves them and asks to hold them. He is very good at sharing with them and even on days when sharing is a hard lesson, he will always eventually hand over whatever toy in question willingly. I could not ask for a better big brother for mu babies! And oh how those twins adore their Elijah. I hope and pray that their relationship at brothers continue to grow and strengthen. I want my children to be best friends.

I did our monthly photo shoot outside this time! I was playing with ideas as we started planning our family Christmas photos and decided to test out my idea with the twins’ month pictures! Elijah was outside with me and wanted to be a part of the fun too!



Here’s my fun comparison shot of me three at ten months old. From the left, Patrick, Elijah and Rory.


















And here are just a few of my sweet three rubadub in the tub! Rory was making a rare appearance in the brother bath!

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