01 October 2013

20 Week 3 Day Ultrasound, Nutritionist and Doctor Appointment

Yesterday, Chip's mom came over and stayed with Elijah and Chip took the day off to come with me to several pregnancy appointments I had in the Med Center. The first was our ultrasound.We had such a great experience at the maternal/fetal center at TCH Woman's Pavillion. They specialize in multiples (twins, etc) and did an incredibly thorough ultrasound, taking about an hour per baby. What we discovered was that everything about the babies looks incredible. All their organs were perfect, they were beautifully formed and healthy! They are currently both measuring in the 92-93rd percentile.  Because of this, I was told I would have my one hour glucose test two months early. Sometimes Gestational Diabetes can cause babies to be bigger. Elijah always measured ahead so I am pretty sure it will turn out to be just that I have big babies, but I am waiting to find out the results today.  Because the twins are so large, I will be having a growth scan every 4 weeks.  This makes me a little nervous because I know sometimes doctors will push c-sections or induction based on size and that it is very possible to naturally birth big babies! But I also know that because I am TWIN VBAC my options are limited and I do believe my doctor is my best chance at a natural birth for these babies and thank heavens I have the guidance of my fabulous doula/midwife to advise me throughout. My doctor also said, cut back more on carbs to keep these babies within a good size range! So I really am buckling down like I should have been this whole time!  They also found a cyst on one of my ovaries. They said it is nothing to worry about now and that it should get smaller but they want to keep an eye on it.

One interesting things that we found out, baby A and B have switched! They determine who is who whoever is closer to the cervix and therefore will be born first. Well since our 16 week ultrasound, Rory has moved down a bit and is now Baby A. They said at this point they will still where they are as far as position to the cervix but now Rory is expected to be our next born and Patrick our 3rd!

The ultrasound was really a great experience though. And the tech got a couple of awesome 3D images. I think Rory looks like Elijah. :) I had a 3D ultrasoud with Elijah at 31 weeks but I think that Rory (even this early) is really starting to favor Elijah. Honestly I have thought that with other ultrasounds on the profile shots. It will be fun to see if I am right!

After we finished with the ultrasound, we saw the nutritionist. I was surprised to find out that my weight is actually on the low side of good. I should have gained 20-30 pounds by now with twins and I have gained 20. I knew my weight was okay but really thought I was somewhere in the middle. We talked about the difference supplements I am taking and she helped me space them out a little better so they would be more effective. I also shared my blackout incidents and she said it sounds like blood sugar issues. ( I am really anxious to get this glucose test back now!). We also discovered that I might be overdoing it o the vitamin D so I will be switching prenatal vitamins after I finish these and find a comparable (natural) one with lower amounts of D. I really liked the nutritionist and am excited to have her as a resource. She gave me her email and said I could contact her with questions. She liked my diet plan and said I seem to be on a good track!

After a lunch break, we went to my OB's office, I drank the nasty glucose then saw my doctor. He confirmed that he was a little concerned at the size of the babies and wanted me to back off of carbs. Honestly I try to focus most of my calories on protein and calcium but lately, I've felt extra stressed and emotional and have reached for convenience foods (carbs!) more often than I had planned. So it is really time get serious! I am determined to have a beautiful natural birth and I need to do everything in my power to make that happen! I finally started my yoga video today. Elijah did not cooperate with doing it after the walk so I did it after Gymboree when he was taking a nap but I was too winded from our outing to get through much of it so I will try again tomorrow and I will start on my stretches and squats tonight. I know that there is so much I can do to increase my chances of success and I do some of them but I am going to start doing them all! Chip has often commented that I can do anything, that I am determined and whenever I set my mind to something, I do it! Yesterday gave me that determination again. I am Mama. Hear me roar!

Rory's Face (right) and hand (left)

One of my favorite shots! Rory looks like he is kneeling and his little butt looks so cute!

Profile of Rory....looks so much like his big brother!

Angel Baby #2!

Patrick's sweet profile. 

Patrick striking a pose!

My Baby B looks so snug!

Patrick's cute little feet! 
UPDATE: I just got an email from the nurse at my OB's office and my one hour glucose test came back normal. So just big babies! No more carbs for Mama. :)

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