30 October 2013

Fall Festivals and October/Halloween Traditions

October is a favorite month for our family.  The weather is starting to get cooler (if you can consider upper 70's and low 80's cooler!), pumpkin spice is in the air and we get to actually play outside! Last year, we took a big family trip to Dewberry Farms. This year it was not in the budget but we found some fun things to do in place of that and I'd say it has been a spectacular October!

P6 Farms
In place of Dewberry Farms (in keeping with the "farm" idea) Elijah and I went to P6 Farms in Montgomery. A homeschooling friend of mine invited us to homeschool day for a discounted price and we simply could not refuse! It ended being an awesome morning. Elijah really enjoyed the corn maze and the hayride. He also loves being around other children, especially older children, of which there was no shortage!

Looking so cute surrounded by orange!

Love that side smile

One of Elijah's favorite book is Five Little Pumpkins so he really is intrigued by seeing them in person. 

P-6 Famrs

Snack break!


Cute boy

My little farmer

Fun with Mama at the farm

We had some sweet friends with us that were GREAT with Elijah!

Elijah loved all the attention. 

Mama's little calf. 

Ready for the corn maze!

Will we ever find our way out???

Such a sweet moment. Elijah loved running ahead with the big kids. 

Elijah's LOVED the hayride!


He is looking so grown up!

Mama's Big Boy!
Spring Baptist Fall Festival
We just love our church! It is SO ACTIVE with lots of opportunities for family fun and fellowship! We are still in our first year of membership in our church (though we did attend several times with my in law for a couple years before we joined) and we were very excited to find out about their annual fall festival! This festival is HUGE and free to the community! There were pony rides, a petting zoo, train rides, lots of game, yummy (inexpensive!) food and an awesome dog trick show geared toward the importance of salvation and obedience.  Elijah and I drove in early Saturday morning from San Antonio so we could attend and Chip met us there.  It was AWESOME! And I already can't wait to go next year! 

Kisses for Daddy! 

Daddy snuggles

First stop....Elijah's first pony ride!

Elijah is a natural. :) 

He LOVED riding the pony!

My little cowboy 

This was definitely a highlight of the day!
One of the coolest things they had for little ones was a Toddler car wash! The kiddos would drive through the wash and the men would squirt their cars and then dry them on the way out. Chip said out loud what I was thinking....that my grandfather would have LOVED to be in charge of this booth if he were still with us. 

Elijah is all ready to go through the car wash!

Elijah just loved this! Such a neat idea!

Mama, Patrick and Rory! 

Daddy getting some babywearing time in! I love that Elijah still loves to be worn! 

The train ride was cool!

Hi Mama!
Two of my boys!
The petting zoo was a hit for my little lover of animals. 

This goat got a lot of attention from Elijah. 
So sweet. 

Such a gentle soul
What a great day of family fun!
Pumpkin Picking with Daddy
Elijah and I got our pumpkins in San Antonio but wanted to pick our big carving pumpkin with Daddy. So he came home in time for some Halloween fun last night! We went to a local church for some photo ops and pumpkin picking! 

Fun scoping out the pumpkins!

Sharing with Daddy. 

My cute little pumpkin. 

More pumpkins please. 

He had so much fun!

I just love him so much!

"I see Mama!"

Mama and her boy. 

So cute with Daddy (who is also cute!) :) 

"Okay, Mama. All done with pictures."

Elijah had a fun time chasing Daddy. 

Sweet moment. 

All done!
Pumpking Carving, Pumpkin Painting, Belly Painting!
Chip and I love the tradition of pumpkin carving! This year we added the fun tradition of pumpkin painting so Elijah could decorate his own pumpkin. I was going to let him decorate my pumpkin too (he really had two) but as a typical 18 month old, he lost interest. I also really love the idea of letting Elijah paint my big belly! So I dressed for the occasion and we had some fun with that. I bought finger paints because I thought those would be the easiest for him to work with but we found out that finger paints don't work too well on pumpkins...though they worked great on my tummy! 

Showing Elijah how to finger paint. It was his first time. 
He painted so carefully with one finger. 

My little picasso

Hard at work on his pumpkin. 

Loved painting with my boy. 

Wrigley wanted to paint too. 

Time for some belly painting!

"OOOOO Mama let me paint her tummy!"

My cute painted boy. 

Elijah's masterpiece in the works. 

He is so careful and gentle. 

More paint on the tummy. 

We are so doing this again!

Hard at work. 

Putting finishing touches on his pumpkin. 

Not sure what he was pointing at here but I have a feeling he may want to paint Wrigley!

Elijah's finished belly painting

Just one touch up!

Mama's pumpkin (with a shamrock with each of our sons' first initial in the leaves) and Elijah's work of art. 

Daddy working hard on our family pumpkin. 

He has a talent for carving. So focused!

Time out for a little yard play!
Wrigley enjoyed the outdoor family time. 

Yummy pumpkins seeds for me to roast. Been munching on them all day! Another family tradition! 

Our Family Pumpkin. ELMO!

Family of three pumpkins!

I have a seriously talented husband! Elijah smiled so big when he saw this and so "Eee Mo!" 

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