06 October 2013

21 Weeks Pregnant and the B.I.R.T.H. Fair!

I wanted to do a quick 21 week update just because I had a 21 week picture from my pregnancy with Elijah and I like to compare the two bellys. Singleton vs. Twins. Aside from being a little higher and slightly rounder, I feel like I am starting to even out a bit and my 2011 pregnancy size is catching up to my twin belly now. My insomnia has eased up a bit this week which has been nice but Elijah is continuing to have sleep issues due to teething and a red rash on his poor little bottom.

I have done pretty well incorporating some of the exercises from my Bradley Class (last pregnancy) into my day but my goal of adding yoga has not working out so well. I feel like as long as I am doing my daily walks ( I added a second walk to our afternoon!) and these exercises that are supposed to help with baby positioning, I should be ready for these babies come January/February!

We had some fun as a family taking my belly pictures before I headed off to the B.I.R.T.H. Fair on Saturday!

21 Weeks and feeling great!

My camera ham child does not like it when I am in pictures without him. He was standing under me waiting for his turn in front of the camera. Yes, he is my child. 

I can't believe we are over halfway there!

Not sure what this face was all about. 

My Sweet P

So crazy to think that was Elijah in the 2011 tummy!

Depending on what website you go by, this week we are cantaloupes! 

After belly photos it was time for the B.I.R.T.H. Fair which is this yearly convention in Houston that is full of seminars and vendors promoting natural, healthy pregnancy, birth and babyhood. My entire birth team (with the exception of my OB) was a part of this awesome event and I was so excited to be able to go. Chip agreed to stay home with Elijah so I could really focus on the information available.  They had a nice father/son day while Mama and her twins had a little pregnancy fun!

It was really cook to meet a particular Mama in person that I had been friends with on Facebook since I found out we were pregnant with twins. She has twin boys that are just a few months old and has been an awesome resource to me. I was talking to one of the Lactation Consultants at Bay Area Breastfeeding ( a group of Board Certified Lactation Consultants who I think we will use after the twins are born) and she was telling me about this other twin Mama that I just had to meet. When she pointed to her, I asked if her name was Christy because I recognized that pretty face right away! It was so neat to chat with her in person and meet her sweet boys and husband. 

I enjoyed seminars on VBAC, Placenta encapsulation, and Health Care choices. All were super informative and I even knew some of the faces on the panels. Everywhere I turned, it seemed I ran into friends and acquaintances from the natural parenting community. It really was such a fun day and I have two bags full of information and cool samples to sort through. I even won a raffle for the makings of a postpartum herbal bath!

I enjoyed seeing the booth of my midwife/doula, birth photographer, doula in training and Elijah's and my chiropractor

They had some really cute shirts about empowering birth!

Love this one!

The convention center was packed! Such a cool day!

My sweet friend and fellow twin mama, Christy!

Hunter is the doula in training that has been participating in my appointments 

My incredible, sweet and awesome midwife/doula, Shannon

Running into Dr. Amber, our chiropractor, was a fun surprise!


  1. I saw the twins in the tan ergos and thought "how wonderful! so good to see healthy twins and mom and dad working together to wear them". Glad you have her as a friend along this journey. Can't wait to see how the next few months go!

  2. Christy is an amazing Mama.really cool to have a twin friends. Love you Hunter and so glad you are a part is this journey with us!
