03 January 2015

Visiting Old and Dear Friends

One of my favorite things to do when visiting my hometown is getting to see my friends. I keep in touch with several of my friends from elementary, junior and high school and it is always a highlight for me getting to catch up in person and introduce them to the newest members of my family!

Our first stop was a visit to the Lammer household. Elizabeth, a lifelong BFF (well since we were about 8 anyway!) lives in Chicago with her hubby and daughter Olivia (my Goddaughter who I had never met!) were back in her childhood home for the holidays and I was excited to take the twins over so we could all meet our newest additions! Elijah and Chip stayed behind at Grandmumsy and Pop’s house so it was just me and the twins on this adventure. Elijah and I stayed in the Lammer home almost two years ago when we threw “Beth” as I have always called her, a baby shower. The Lammer’s just  love Elijah and he was definitely missed from this visit. While we were there, Elizabeth’s sweet husband, Ben, and I discussed a possible Mama and Olivia visit to Houston in February. I am really hoping this trip materializes!


The three newbies to the group! Love my Goddaughter’s blond curls. I think she looks just like her Mama!


It is always so great to see my friend.


Such a cutie pie!


Elizabeth and my tiny boy.


Romance blossoming already?

Our last stop on the Main Line was visiting my two partners in crime, Ralphie and Carrie. The three of us were pretty inseparable for quite some time and even when we starting going our separate ways, even time we get together it is like no time has passed at all. We start bosking all over again!


Together again!


Cuddling some of our kids! Heehee. Annabelle wanted to be included too!


Awwww Auntie Bosk (that’s what Elijah calls Carrie) and Patrick.


Awwww I miss this face. (the one on the left…the one on the right I see every day)


Bosking my baby.



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