01 January 2015

New Year’s Eve in New Jersey


Chip and I were excited to spend New Year’s on the east coast again this year! The last time we did this was 5 years ago. We were newly married and enjoyed a rooftop New Year’s party in Time Square. It was legendary. This year was more low key but oh, so much fun! WE enjoyed a party of family and friends at Papa John and Mimi’s house and had a blast! As a parent it was also nice to be able to put our kids to bed as needed although Elijah stayed up pretty close to midnight and Rory made an appearance shortly after midnight.

What a year it has been. I think I may need to do a Year In Review post because this has been such a blessed year for our family. But I digress. Here are just a few shots of a really fun night as we rang in the new year. Notice in the photo above the pots and pans. It is tradition in the north to bang pots and pans at the stroke of midnight. I remember doing this with my BFF Beth Lammer growing up. We had a standing date on NYE for ice cream sodas and pot banging. No fireworks up north. Just pots and noisemakers. It was always so much fun and a tradition maybe I can pass on to my kids if our southern neighbors will tolerate it….



The night began as many of my nights do, Rory smiling away and chasing me around the house.


Here I come Mama! I’m coming to git ya!


All ready for his first New Year!


A little high five for his Mama


Don’t we look dashing in our hats!


New Years hugs from my angel baby.


I love kissing those sweet cheeks.


Elijah loved trying out all the different noise makers.


Now THAT’S a noisemaker!


Mimi and me!


Chip enjoying playing a brass again.


No that is not really a martini in Brianna’s hand.


I love that I got to snuggle with my Rory right around midnight.


Happy New Year!!!!!!

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