12 January 2015

Mr. Danny Honk Honk


There are two friends that Chip and I have that stand out as an extremely active part of of family and our kids lives. Danny and Mallory are two of our closest friends and are frequent visitors in our home to the point they really don’t even count as guests…more like family. My kids love them and will go to them with huge smiles and excitement. Elijah has especially built a close relationship with “Mr. Danny and Miss Mallory” as he calls them. At this point “Aunt and Uncle” seems to be a more accurate title but I think we all agree the “Mr and Miss” just sounds too cute to replace.

One of Elijah’s favorite things is to go “honk honk with Mr. Danny”. This started about a year ago right after I had the twins. That is when we started hanging with this pair on a semi daily basis. Danny and Mallory were always AMAZING at making sure Elijah felt special and important which was especially appreciated at that time in his life when so much was changing and he was welcoming two new little brothers in his previously only child family. Danny would take Elijah out to his truck and let him honk his horn thus “Mr. Danny Honk Hoooooonk” became his new name. Since then Elijah has an almost obsessive love for this activity and will even ask other family members…..and friends…..okay and strangers…..if he can go honk honk in their cars. But there remains to be something special about his honking sessions with Mr. Danny and it has evolved into duck calling as well (because Mr. Danny happened to have a duck caller in his truck. I believe when he now honks with Grandaddy there is a turkey caller involved). These honking sessions are really a big and favorite party of his little life right now and something I want him to remember and enjoy thinking back on when he is older. So I thought it only appropriate to share on our family blog! Mr. Danny has started bringing Rory and Patrick out to “honk honk” on occasion but I know this is a special thing for Elijah and all you have to do is see the joy in that little boys face to know why Mr. Danny (or Grandaddy!) never tire of HONK HONK!


Miss Mallory enjoying the Honk Honk!


I have a feeling Elijah’s dream car will be a pick up.


I don’t know that I have ever seen so much joy in a little face


Our comes the duck caller


Apparently that duck sound is pretty funny.


These two are so good to my boys.


Thanks Mr. Danny and Miss Mallory. You really have such a special place in our family.

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