02 June 2014

Rory and Patrick: Four Months Old


Today, my twin boys are four months old. That is a third of a year! Most days I feel like we have found our rhythm…our groove…..”perfected” our dance…..most days. Most…..days.  There is always that day or two that throw you for a loop and you can’t believe that this season of life is really as short as they say. But the hard day comes to an end and most of the time, the next day, we are right back in beat. That is what life is like for me with four month old twins. Sometimes it isn’t even a hole day, sometimes it is a moment to moment type of thing where you feel you fall out of beat but I (we) always find our way back. These twins and my sweet Elijah are the greatest reason to get out of bed in the morning that I have ever known and I am loving life with three, two and under.

My two littlest “littles” are developing so well. I am such a proud Mama. They interact more with one another and their big brother every day.

RORY: As of this morning, Rory is weighing in at 13 pounds 12 ounces and is in the 40th percentile. Not sure of length. He gained 8 ounces this past week! He is still rolling from tummy to back (all the time!) and he can now roll almost all the way from back to tummy but he really likes laying on his side so that is where he stays. His hand/eye coordination is awesome and he loves to hold toys and especially his lovey, Bud, and bring them to his mouth. He is a definite mama’s boy and uses that hand/eye coordination to grab on to my  arm, hand, whatever is closest and try to keep me near him. If he was a first and only child, I would have never put him down like with Elijah but since he has two brothers that also need their Mama, I have the heartbreaking task of detaching my arm from his grip at times. He wants to always be touching me and I love it and wish there were three of me so he could. Rory is extremely jolly.  He is ALWAYS smiling and is one of the happiest babies ever. He loves it when I sing to him and if I sing something upbeat and sway him to the music, he opens his mouth wide with the biggest gaping smile you have ever seen.  Rory continues to require less sleep than either of his brothers and enjoys staying up at night with Mama and Daddy. I think he just likes being able to fall asleep in my arms. He gets lots of hugs and kisses from his big brother which just melts my heart. Neither one of my babies are really big into pacifiers the way Elijah was but they do use them at times. The “soothie” pacifier is the only one either of them will take. Rory continues to be my champion nursling  and if I notice milk production dropping a little on one side, I will assign Rory that side for the day to help pick things back up. He loves to nurse! Both boys are still co-bathing with me (and will continue to do so for quite a while) and the same with co sleeping. It works so well for our family!

Patrick: This morning my little Patrick weighed 11 pounds 12 ounces gaining 10 ounces this week and continuing to be two pounds lighter than his bigger twin. My little Baby B may be some but he is strong! Those tiny legs hold him up so well as he continues to love to stand and has for a couple of months. I have never seen once so small with such lower body strength! He is able to hold his shoulders and head up really well when doing tummy time and moves his legs in such a way that suggests rolling over is not too far off. His coordination is wonderful and he loves to play with and chew on toys so I am not too worried. I know he will roll over when he is ready. He is able, like his bigger twin brother, to roll from back to tummy almost all the way but he also likes to lay on his side. Although Patrick appears to be my  more serious baby, he is full of smiles when the attention is on him. And both sweet boys have the most musical giggle you have ever heard. Patrick is my champion sleeper. He will often take a four hour nap in the afternoon and he goes to bed around 6:30pm and will stay asleep most nights waking only twice to nurse until the next morning. The past couple of days we have been dealing with some major GI issues and bouts (hours long) of crying the saddest sob you have ever heard. But as is true with most things this too shall pass and it has. I think I may have pinpointed another dietary sensitivity (refined sugar) with the help of consulting my midwife and taking a look back at what I ate and so that will be coming out of my diet for the time being. No amount of sweetness is worth causing my baby pain and me no sleep! Patrick is a drooler…..BIG TIME. This is new territory for me. I thought maybe teething but his mouth does not seem to bother him although he is definitely chewing which I can tell anytime he gets a hold of my knuckle. Our little guy may surprise us by being the first of the twins to sprout a tooth.

I just love being a part of these sweet little lives enjoying their sweet little milestones with them. It is truly a blessing to have two. And the hard days just make the “in tune” days that much more awesome. These babies and their big brother just fill my heart with so much joy and I am so honored and humbled to be their mother. I just love how these two littles have brought our family so much closer to complete. With each baby that is born, a void is filled that you never even knew was there. And so, happy four months Rory and Patrick. Happy Four months of big brotherhood Elijah. So far, it has been an awesome ride. 


Starting off with the comparison shot of my three boys at four months old. Elijah was about two and a half pounds bigger than Rory at this point. Yowza!


Elijah enjoyed helping me test the lighting for the photo shoot



Those big blue eyes just take my breath away


Notice the little photo bomber in the back


Halfway through his attempt to roll over. Now that he can do it, it is hard to get me to keep him on his tummy


These precious hats were made by my primary midwive’s daughter as a gift for the twins. I LOVE them!



I asked Elijah to help me get Rory to smile. I think he misunderstood. Haha.


I bought the babies bear hats when I was pregnant. I am thinking the hats look more like a Star Wars Princess Leia costume……



I love this silly boy!



Always smiling


Patrick was pretty serious today. He is in a good mood but has had a rough couple of days so not as many Patrick smiles today.


This is the exact same face Elijah makes when he hears something that excites him (i. e. a school bus, Grandaddy’s or Daddy’s truck).


I just love naked little babies!


I am so in love with those eyelashes!


Patrick was enjoying watching Elijah behind me.


Yup looking a lot like Princess Leia I’m afraid.





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