13 June 2014

Post Partum Check In: 4 1/2 Months

Well it has been a little over a month since I checked in on my post partum progress in getting back in shape and more endurance. They say slow and steady wins the race and if that is the case, I am not doing too bad! Pounds seem to be dropping off verrrry slowly at about 3/4 of a pound per week. My clothes are fitting WAY better. That seemed to happen overnight. The shorts I wore in my pictures last month were staples in my summer wardrobe in years past and I had just SQUEEEEZED into them for the pictures. I wore them again in this months photos and they fit perfect. I still have the appearance of  a “muffin top” in the photos but in real life they fit comfortably on my hips and I am feeling pretty good in them.

I had my midwife check my diastis recti at a gathering at her house a few weeks ago and I still stuck at a one so not much progress there but the abdominal work I am doing is definitely starting to show as far as strength and muscle. I am going to ask her to check  me again in a few weeks and see if I need to maybe add another exercise to help that split muscle close back up.

I started training for a 5K! I am in week five of training. I have not chosen which one I will run but I am excited because as I work up to 3.2 miles in 30 minutes I feel like that is a good and doable workout with three littles two and under. I can leave Chip four times a week for 30 minutes and get a decent workout. When Elijah was a baby, we walked for an hour at least five times  week and although I tried doing this with the three of them, it doesn’t wasn’t practical. I enjoy taking them on occasional walks but I cannot rely on that for my workout this time around. Right now I am up to 11 minutes of running and by the end of next week I will be up to 15!

As of this morning I am at 134 lbs which is two away from my prepregnancy weight and four away from goal! I hope to be at my prepreg weight by mid July and if I get that two extra pounds off, that is just gravy.

I had intended to add sets of squats and crunches but really, 3 sets of 150 throughout the day seems to be what is doable with my schedule so I am sticking with that for now and with my 5K training that I do 3-4 times a week.






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