I am super passionate about breastfeeding and all the physical and emotional benefits attached to it. I am thrilled to have been blessed with an amazing nursing relationship with my first “nursling” and excited that so far, I have an amazing nursing relationship with my twins. This is such a short season of life and so I love to capture some of these moments digitally. Originally I had scheduled a photo shoot with one of my favorite photographers (who also did a nursing shoot for me and Elijah). but due to some family needs, we moved our shoot to the end of the month. I am actually doing another nursing shoot for a fellow twin mama who is also a photographer, a Believer and crunchy. (talk about a lot in common!). Since I had my heart set on getting some photos done today, my sweet BFF Heather agreed to come take some shots with my camera and I am SO EXCITED about how they turned out. We even got some pretty awesome family shots! I am excited to be getting all these pictures done right now especially because I was asked to help organize an Expo and location for the Big Latch On, sponsored by my dear friend and a favorite blogging Mama Kayla of Baby’s Breastie! So in celebration of the wonders of nursing, the Big Latch On and all the exciting events coming up…….
The first batch is sweet nursing moments with my Baby A, Rory. He is my champion nursling, a natural. It is always so relaxing nursing this little one, I could fall asleep.
I have dreamed of having the chance to tandem nurse since I had Elijah. I don’t do it as often as I thought I would because often, it takes two hands to nurse Patrick but the babies were very willing today! I started off with just Patrick then added Rory…..
We finished up the shoot with some shots of my Baby B, Patrick. Patrick is a very gentle nursling. He began life with twelve days in the NICU and was not permitted breast or bottle for the first four days of life. Read more about Patrick here. As soon as he was home, I worked diligently as weaning him from the bottle and within one week, he was EBF! (Exclusively breast fed). I am so proud of my little boy and how strong he is. He and I have a very special nursing relationship that we both have worked very hard to maintain.
Finally here are some of the family shots we got today! I am so excited with how great they turned out considering we were working with three under two!
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