12 December 2013

Sunday School Christmas Lunch and Surprise For This Expecting Mama!

Today my Sunday school class celebrated the Christmas season with their annual Christmas party at one of the ladies (Camille’s) home. I joined this Sunday school about six months ago.  Chip and I had been going to a couples class together but decided that two and a half hours in the nursery as church was too much for Elijah so I found a first hour Sunday school ladies class through two of my dear friends and mentors in choir. I have been so blessed to be a part of this group.  They vast wealth of knowledge and experience continues to inspires and direct me to become the Christian woman/mother/friend etc that I strive to be. I love being a part of this group and was so excited to join these ladies in the celebrations of the Christmas season. This party could not have come at a better time. Our home has been riddled with stress and sadness lately due to the loss of our dear Bonnie and some other occurrences. This seems to be our season of “One more thing” for the past several (really about six) months. So when Thursday rolled around and it was time for the Christmas party, I was ready and willing to leave it all behind and join my fellow Christian women in the celebration of our Lord’s birth as well as indulging in some yummy treats!
Lunch was potluck (what better way to sample everyone’s delicious cooking!) and there was an endless supply of freshly made salads and desserts to share. I think just about everyone had seconds of something. (Thank you to my sweet mother in law for preparing a beautiful chicken salad platter for me to take, know the week had taken its toll on me….and for watching Elijah so I could have a carefree afternoon!). It was a delicious lunch and in fact, I think we should celebrate EVERY holiday in such a yummy fashion!
After lunch, we all retired to the living room for some fellowship. Camille pulled out a book with Christmas writings in it and read out loud one of my favorite Christian mini poetic essays. It is called One Solitary Life. I actually blogged about it last year and it had been a part of my childhood, something that had always resonated with me caused me to tear up.  Camille had actually inspired me to make this beautiful piece part of our Parish Christmas traditions and starting this year I will ready this to my children on Christmas eve.

One Solitary Life

He was born in an obscure village
The child of a peasant woman
He grew up in another obscure village
Where he worked in a carpenter shop
Until he was thirty
He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never went to college
He never visited a big city
He never travelled more than two hundred miles
From the place where he was born
He did none of the things
Usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but himself
He was only thirty three
His friends ran away
One of them denied him
He was turned over to his enemies
And went through the mockery of a trial
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves
While dying, his executioners gambled for his clothing
The only property he had on earth
When he was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
Through the pity of a friend
Nineteen centuries have come and gone
And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race
And the leader of mankind's progress
All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned put together
Have not affected the life of mankind on earth
As powerfully as that one solitary life
After the reading, our Sunday school leader, Donnie was presented with a gift to Dillards from the class so she could spoil herself a little! She deserves it! Afterwards, Jo Ann, one of my sweet mentors, announced that in lieu of their Christmas gift exchange, the had a surprise. This sweet group of ladies had taken up an offering to present me with a gift card to Target for our babies! I was so overwhelmed. And imagine my surprise when I realized that enough had been taken up to purchase the dresser we had hoped to buy for our twins! I could now actually get their nursery set up and organized!!! ( I even managed to find a deal on free shipping when I got home!).  The ladies had also brought sweet little gifts for my two youngest boys.  I was so moved by the generosity (and great timing!) of all of this. It really could not have come at a more perfect time. With all that has been going on, we really haven’t been able to celebrate this pregnancy as much as I would have liked and I just basked in the love these ladies showed for me and my family.
Thank you to my Sunday school class for your kindness and hospitality right from the beginning and for such a sweet gift that my babies will use for many many years to come.
Jo Ann has become one of my mentors and is a great prayer warrior!
Kris, another mentor, is so full of sweetness and I just love sitting in front of her in choir as she plays with my hair . 
One (of three) beautifully decorated tables at Camille's home, set up lovingly by our hostess. 
I just love the place settings and the sweet touch of a goodie bag with scented hand santizer and mints. 
Kris is very excited about one of the salads!

I just love this sweet lady!
The ladies I dined with at table 2
Table 1 enjoying lunch in the dining room. 

Our fearless leader, Donnie who prepares and presents our Sunday School lessons every week. 
Camille sharing One Solitary Life with the group
I will definitely be putting this book on my Amazon list!
Surprise! A Christmas gift for Mama and the twins!
I was so overwhelmed by their kind generosity!
I just love this frame from Kris. It is Noah's Ark theme (two by two for twins!) and the animals perfectly match the animals in the boys' nursery?
Love my dear friend 
A basket full of thoughtful baby items, all given in twos! :) 
Thank you ladies for a wonderful afternoon. Merry Christmas!

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