21 December 2013

32 Weeks Pregnant

I have to say that I was quite shocked at the size of my belly when I reviewed this week’s belly photos. I could tell it was big from my pictures from the SBC Christmas pageant but OH MY GOODNESS! There is no denying it that twins are on their way and soon!
A couple days ago I started feeling uncomfortable. Not unbearable really but the size of my tummy just makes it hard to get comfortable. Weight gain is still great! I have gained pretty much exactly what I gained with Elijah and am actually 10 pounds lighter than I was at this point because I started out that way this pregnancy. So I am feeling pretty good about that even if I am feeling quite HUGE. I hear about lots of twin Mamas who not only don’t gain much but actually LOSE during pregnancy but I know that ideal weight gain for twin is 40-57 pounds and I am on track to be on the low end at 33 pounds gained so far.
Heartburn  has continued and gotten worse but it is still not nearly where it was with Elijah. Still, it makes eating not as easy and although I have done really well maintaining my caloric intake, I am thinking it might be time to scale back for my own comfort. Right now it is 2:19 and I am still suffering from a breakfast omelet eaten five hours ago. Ah, the joys of pregnancy. But again, so worth it!
I am really excited about the birth of these babies! I was excited before but I really feel this amazing freedom knowing that because of the choices we made, I don’t have to worry about unnecessary intervention and will likely not have to leave the comfort of our own home. Everything is just falling beautifully into place for these precious little ones. We even found a midwife (through Shannon) that is certified to do the newborn hearing test if our doctor does not offer that in his office! AND my AMAZING chiropractor has offered to make a house call for Patrick and Rory’s first adjustment!
The boys are moving around a whole lot! I have had the honor of letting several people feel the boys from the outside and them be the first fetal movement they ever felt! And even some BTDT Mama’s get excited about how much of these little ones can be felt on the outside. I have literally felt Patrick’s face! I could feel his nose and chin! I have felt both their spines! It is amazing the anatomy I can feel from the outside! I could feel Elijah’s feet and hands and sometimes his butt but not with this kind of detail. When Patrick is head up, I can feel his head….like I can feel the circumference of the top of his whole head! Elijah still doesn’t seem to notice the movement which bums me out a little bit. I am a total daydreamer and have visualized moments of realization for him that something is going on in Mama’s tummy when he feels movement. But he knows there are TWO babies in Mama’s tummy….he will tell you that much!
Next week the Parish family is planning our last rode trip at a threesome to Baton Rouge to celebrate Granny’s birthday (sorry, no numbers!). Winking smile I am really looking forward to the trip though a bit nervous about comfort on a five hour drive. But with a clean bill of pregnancy health (which we have) nothing could keep us away and we are excited to share this milestone before we head home and finish up our final preparations for Petites Parish A & B!

32 Weeks...........8 more until our estimated due date! 
Even though it is quite large, I am so in love with my bump!
Big soft belly thanks to large amounts oil slathered on morning, noon and night!
Big ol' belly!
Gotta get my sweet Elijah picture in! I can't believe he will be 20 months old next week!!! And on Christmas day he will have been walking for a while year!
I didn't have a 32 week picture so I compared my 31 and 33 week pictures from my 2012 pregnancy. 
This was at our Christmas concert last week. The belly looked big but not nearly as big as in the pictures today. 

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