07 December 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant

Here we are in the final countdown! 10 weeks until my estimated due date! Only seven weeks until I breath easy knowing that it is safe for the twins to make their arrival. And 8 weeks until when I would like for them to arrive. Of course it is up to God and my babies when the time is right and I am pretty convinced that I will be one of those “rare” twin Mamas whose pregnancy goes to 40 weeks or beyond. As long as my babies are born healthy, I will be thrilled!
It is hard to believe that we are already at 30 weeks. This pregnancy is going by really fast! I continue to have no swelling (except occasional if I overindulge), minimal heartburn, no leg cramps and really no pregnancy complaints except of course the lovely insomnia and fatigue that seems to rule 70% of my nights and my ever frequent Braxton Hicks contractions.  It is unbelievable to me how much easier this pregnancy is than mine was with Elijah. Although that pregnancy was pretty easy too, the heartburn that would bring me to tears the second half and the horrid leg cramps were a lot to deal with. 
I have still managed to get by with no stretch marks (just like with Elijah) thanks to liberal use of Mother’s Special Blend oil in the morning and walnut oil in the evening. I have not been as diligent about my baby positioning exercises lately but I just attended my monthly prenatal group with my doula/midwife birth assistant, Shannon taught by another fabulous doula, Trina, who is also on my birth team. She highlighted some of the best baby positioning exercises and they were the all the pretty easy ones that don’t take a ton of time so I have a newfound motivation and will be getting back on the ball with those movements! My favorite is the booty shake! It is just as fun as it sounds. As soon as I teach Chip how to do it I will get some photos of it. Smile
Nesting update. Last weekend, the painting process for Elijah’s new room and the nursery went underway and will be finished tomorrow. I am so looking forward to that! The twins’ crib arrived which is awesome. I will be co-sleeping as I did with Elijah but plan for some naps to take place in the crib so I can get some one on one time with my sweet first born.   I am looking forward to getting their dresser and glider whenever we are able to do that and really get the nursery set up! I will feel so much more at east as I continue to get these things done.
Looking back at our last update, I feel pretty good about the progress we have made at home getting things ready and am looking forward to a full nesting update once the painting is complete and I get what I have now, organized! I am also excited for Elijah to have a little more space in his new room because there won’t be a futon in there or big book shelves. We decided for safety reasons, to get him a book sling for his room. No toys in the bedroom since that is for rest but books and some stuffed animals are okay. Because of my sleep issues I think it is ever so important to have a calming bedroom that isn’t too stimulating so we can maybe avoid sleep issues for my children.  That is why for both Elijah and the twins I chose calming, relaxing colors. I can’t wait to see both rooms completed!
Well since everything was taken out of the kids’ bedrooms and put into the game room where I normally take my belly pictures, the photo location was moved downstairs this week. And I loved it cause it looks festive!
30 Weeks and growing strong!
Feeling lots of movement! Two sweet babies swimming in my belly. 
It just keeps growing. 
I have wondered what I am looking like from the back nowadays so I figured there was only one way to find out! Heehee. Just a chubbier verson of my former self. 
I so love these babies!!!!
My little buns are cooking but still have a ways to go!
I managed to get on shot with Elijah. He had a mouth full of raisins but still tried to smile. After that he was done so this was all we got this week. :) 

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