31 December 2013

33 Weeks 4 Days–Ultrasound and Midwife Appointment

Today I was excited to have my (last) ultrasound appointment and a midwife appointment on a day when Chip was off and able to come with me!  My hardworking husband hasn’t been able to join me on these appointments and had not yet met our midwife so this was a special day.

Early in the morning we headed to our ultrasound. Elijah was such a good boy and sat quietly in his stroller while we all looked at the images of our Patrick and Rory. We were THRILLED to find out that both babies are still head down and the ultrasound tech said that at this point with twins (and minimal room) she believes that our Patrick (who has often been found in breech position) will probably stay put in this position. We are so happy about this! We also found that, as expected, the twins growth has slowed and they are both now in approximately the 50th percentile for height and weight! I know the female body is amazing and capable of birthing big babies. In fact I have a friend who gave birth to an almost 11 pound baby at home and she is of much smaller stature than me. But as I think about giving both to these two sweet boys, the 50th percentile sounds pretty good to me. Everyone looked healthy and with strong heartbeats and lots of movement! Both babies kept kicking the ultrasound tech as she put the wand on my tummy. 

After our ultrasound we were supposed to go see my midwife at her office but she was called to a birth so after a fun family lunch, we headed home where she would later meet us. It is such a different experience working with a midwife. I love the lack of waiting in a waiting room. That was always so hard with Elijah in tow. And I love the personal attention. Dr. Espana was amazing and gave lots of personal attention, but let’s face it, an OB is not going to come to your home if they have a birth during your appointment. Darlene (our fabulous and highly acclaimed midwife) was very pleased with our progress report from the ultrasound. She will have the actual report from the tech in a couple of days but she was pleased with what we told her. We walked around our home and discussed the logistics of our home birth and the location of the birth tub. We are determining if my original vision of having the birth tub in our bedroom will be  practical.  Our next appointment will be our “official” home visit where all (or most of the 8) of our birth team will come to our home and discuss our home birth.

Everything is moving forward perfectly. We have a little over three weeks before we are “in the clear” the go into labor for our home birth and a little over six weeks until our due date. I am sure these babies will make there appearance at some point between those two milestones.  In the meantime, I feel super confident that I am in excellent hands with Darlene, Shannon and the others on the birth team. Feeling confident and very excited!

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