05 December 2013

Doctor's Appointments, Ultrasound, and a Prenatal Massage!

This has been a busy week for this VERY PREGNANT Mama! Monday, I had my last 4 week (or 5 week the way I have been scheduling) doctor's appointment and we are now on the two week schedule! Just another milestone that reminds me just how close we really are to two new residents in our home!

Thanks to the kindness of a beautiful lady and my friend since supper club at Chip's and my former church, Susan McSwain, I was able to once again go on my appointments sans Elijah. I don't mind taking him to my actual doctor's appointments but I was told that children were discouraged from the ultraound (yeah that's a whole other topic) and it really is too long for Elijah to be expected to sit still. He loves his time with Miss Susan so it was a fun morning for them both! ;) And I really appreciate this awesome lady being so willing to help our family!

The first stop Monday morning (at 29 weeks 3 Days) was for my growth ultrasound. Based on how beautifully that turned out, I believe I will be declining further ultraounds....though I did make my next appointment in four weeks just in case. I plan to cancel that once we get some other logistics worked out hopefully this week.  Rory continues to be in perfect birth position, head down, face down. He is in the 80th percentile for growth and weights 3 pounds 9 ounces. Patrick was transverse at this appointment though I know he flips to breech. (I was assured that he would likely be in head down position for birth) Patrick is in the 76th percentile and weights 3 pounds 8 ounces. Ironically my boys weight almost exactly the same as my husband's twin sisters did when they were born at 31 weeks. Just a fun fact to sort of put size into perspective. The ultrasound tech and radiologist were thrilled with the boys growth and said everything looks perfect and that the size should start to taper off in a few weeks so I am THINKING that MAYBE the boys won't be as big as their big brother who tipped the scales at 8 pounds 6 ounces born at 39 weeks).

After I finished with the ultrasound I made my way up to see Dr. Espana. Once again, I was told that my weight gain is awesome and that he really had nothing to tell me because everything looks perfect. My fundal height (from pubic bone to top of uterus) is measuring at 33 weeks (singleton) which is great for twins, no swelling and he just seemed super happy with my healthy twin pregnancy! Really, there is nothing to report from the doctor visit which is great, though I spend so much time actually getting down there that it would be nice if we had more to do on these visits. Dr. Espana is always happy to answer questions and talk about anything I want to chat about but I really had no concerns myself  this visit so it was pretty much in and out. His only advice was to up my water intake even more to help Patrick have plenty of room to turn. My fluid levels are great but we just want to give him every bit of help we can in getting into position!

I would like to ask for prayers. Chip and I are discussing making some changes to our birth plan and regarding our care. Nothing I can share at the moment but I am very excited about some changes that may be coming and we just asked that God's will be done on this.  More on this as as our plan evolves!

Then Tuesday, I had a very special treat! Elijah's Granddad (Chip's Dad) came over to spend an hour or so with Elijah so I could indulge! My incredible Doula (who is also a much loved midwife!) Shannon Stellhorn, shared that she had a friend/Doula that was offered prenatal massages out of Shannon's home! Casey Risinger (A blessed Path Doula) gave me the most incredible, awesome massage on Tuesday! Oh how I needed that! My body is getting very tired from the bulbous baby bump that is sticking (literally) straight out in front of me.  I left my massage feeling so relaxed, rejuvenated and detoxed!

It was quite an awesome and busy week! The ultraound pictures that we got were not super clear cosmetically but I will share a few of my favorites!

This shows that my babies are head to foot.  I can't help but worry that little Patrick might be getting kicked in the head by his brother. 

Rory, my deep thinker. :)

I can't resist the cute foot pictures. We found out that Patrick actually has his second toe longer than his big toe....just like his Daddy!!!

My sweet Patrick :) 

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