26 February 2013

Ten Months Old and a Tummy Bug.

Our boy is ten months old today. We ended our tenth month with a bit of a stomach bug. Last night, at around nine o clock Elijah started throwing up and then did again two more times. I didn't know his little body could hold so much. He was very listless and spacey but still smiled and giggled through it all, though he did begin to whimper quite a bit and we were basically up until about 5:30am. He woke up at 8:30 and seemed 100% himself again!  So apparently it was a 12 hour bug but those were some tough 12 hours. Nothing is worse than seeing your child in pain and discomfort and there is nothing you can do but hold them. Feeling his little belly spasm just broke my heart. But our boy is a trooper and has one heck of an immune system! His tummy is on "light duty" today, just clear liquids, Mama's milk and some gluten free bread. We may try a little more tonight be he seems to be doing well with light eating today. And today he turned ten months old!

We are just two months shy of a toddler. I can hardly believe it. At least I think 12 months is considered a toddler. Regardless, this little boy already acts like a toddler! He stopped crawling all together about a month ago. I have not seen this child on his hands and knees in forever! His verbal skills are continuing to develop as he makes more sounds. He now says "Nan" which is cool because he has a Great Nan! I don't know that he knows what he is saying but I love that he is putting more sounds together! We started doing a little baby sign with him a couple of weeks ago and I hope that is a skill that helps his communication develop. We have some great ASL resources thanks to my sister in law who is an ASL interpreter. Oh, and Daddy taught Elijah how to high five! And he is great at it! I let him turn the lights off when we leave a room or closet and then ask him for a high five and he happily obliges! He is definitely a cool cat! :)

Thanks to Gymboree, Swim lessons,  my choir commitment and my Time Out For Moms group at church and some visits from cousins,  Elijah is getting lots of social time with other children and it is so much fun to watch him play with others. I have been working on the concept of sharing with him. I even bring sharing into play when he has something that I would rather not him play with, I ask him to share it with me.  I think he has so much to learn right now that the "sharing" concept can communicate the idea that someone else needs to hold whatever he has. We will see how this theory plays out. So far, it has been great. There are times when his will shines through and he is very........(ahem) displeased.....that I would like him to "share" with me but life is a journey and I know that sweet disposition is what will ultimately shine through.

Handsome baby.

Such a big boy!

"Ok Mama, I'm outta here!"

"I believe I can fly!"

He is starting to snuggle his stuffed animals. He really had fun with Mr. Bear today!

"Ok Mama, this is boring"


"Are you still taking pictures?"

I love you, little boy. You make my heart smile.

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