07 February 2013

Chip's 31st Birthday

One would think that after the big surprise parties I have thrown for Chip (25th and 30th birthdays) that we just couldn't top it. There is much to be said for a son to share a birthday with, family dinners and a quiet surprise night out with your wife and a couple of good friends. I was a little taken back when Chip and I sat quietly chatting in the living room around midnight, all birthday festivities completed and he exclaimed that this was (to his surprise as well) the best birthday he has had. Last year was pretty special and pretty big (as was I...pretty big....being six months pregnant!) But this year we had our son on the OUTSIDE. We have also had some pretty special family times and milestones recently that made this time together so great and meaningful.  We are all just in a really good place and it was the perfect evening. We began with dinner at our FAVORITE restaurant, Peli Peli with Chip's parents, our sister and niece and nephew. It was so much fun to share a meal together in what he become the Junior Parishes favorite restaurant! There are so many unique dishes and we enjoyed a tableside visit from owner Chef Paul who shared with us that he learned to while his mother wore him on her back in her kitchen. Elizabeth (fellow baby wearer as am I) and I were thrilled with this fun fact and we cannot wait to share with our prospective baby wearing and crunch mama groups! After a yummy dinner, we headed back to our house for cake and presents. Jacob had a great time seeing Wrigley and Bonnie and Elizabeth and I enjoyed Gluten Free, Dairy Free cookie dough (YUM!) while the rest had a yummy chocolate strawberry birthday cake! (Second year in a row I did not make Chip's birthday cake. Eeek. Better luck next year). After our family time, Chip's mom and I had a surprise.....she was going to stay with Elijah while he and I went out to sing karaoke with some friends. There could have been no better way to end the evening. Karaoke is actually how Chip and I first began talking and it is something we have really enjoyed doing together over the years. WE had not gotten to go since before I was pregnant with Elijah so this was a really fun treat. The night ended around midnight. I had check on Elijah several times but Grandmother had things under control and my angel baby slept the whole time we were gone. Thank you Grandmother for making our post birthday date possible. Oh what a night. Happy birthday my love. 31 looks really good on you. Mwah.

Elijah decided he wanted to go for a ride before dinner

My favorite guys

The Junior Parishes 2013 Edition
These guys have so much fun together

True to form, Elijah loved watching the moving water in the fountains
Elizabeth and I enjoyed some special time together with our kiddos.

Jacob took his position at the head of the table very seriously

My jolly boy showing off his teeth

A Mama and her two guys

I can't help but think how one day that will be me and Elijah....except for us the red hair will be on the son. :)

Getting down to some serious baby business

So hard to get a good group shot at a table with so many little ones....but at least we have the adults all looking the same way

The two redheads

Elijah loves his Granddad

Chip loved all his gifts. Especially his new batman movie!

The Bruffey clan gave Chip a really cool mug. Pretty funny. I know he will enjoy showing this off.

I think Jacob officially enjoys snacks, toys and dogs at our house. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great birthday celebration!! Love the captions on the pictures! Thanks for coordinating such a good family time!
