25 February 2013


February has been a really fun month! We have gotten to spend a lot of time with the Bruffey family and Elijah loves his cousins! I have really enjoyed reconnecting with my sister in law, Elizabeth and we have had so much fun blending the Junior Parish and Bruffey families for some fun adventures at the Senior Parish home!  My sister and I share a love of healthy living, alternative medicine, essential oils and a "crunchy" lifestyle so we had a blast comparing notes and sharing thoughts and ideas as well as some good shopping at one of our favorite stores, Nurtured Family!  Elijah loved getting time with his "Aunt Biz". You can see his admiration of his older cousin Jacob and his fascination with little Ruth. (Good big brother potential?!).

Elijah and Jacob hanging out in the same crib Chip and Elizabeth used! (And Aunt Virginia too!)

Guilty looking faces,

Our book worms.
Elijah is the second Parish grandchild to discover the wonders of the dog door.
Here come trouble!
"Ready or not, here I come!"

Look what I can do Daddy!
Here he comes.

Playing gently with his cousin.
Cutie pies!

Doe Eyed Girl!

"You're fun, Aunt Biz!"

We had some fun time at the park on the swings!

Elijah snuck in some Mickey time with his cousin.
Two of a kind.
This boy loves his swing!

Happy boy!

Music time at Grandmother's piano!

"Oh Jacob, that is beautiful"

"Um, when is it my turn?"

Post dinner hair do.

Snack time for the guys!
Naked boy!

No clothes? That doesn't stop this guy!

Bathtime buddies!

These guys are great at sharing!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this!! It was a memorable, special month I'll cherish always! Thanks for the slumber parties for us and our kiddos!
