05 March 2013

Trip to Pennsylvania, Friends, Family and a Baby Shower

Elijah and I just got back from an action packed trip back east to Berwyn, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. The main purpose of the visit was to throw a baby shower for my oldest and very dear friend, Elizabeth Lammer Sutherland as she is expecting her first baby, a little girl, in early May. The last time we saw her was on our August trip back east where she met Elijah for the first time and was actually pregnant at the time but did not even know it yet! Well, we definitely can all tell that she is pregnant now! We had some fun taking pictures of her glorious baby belly. (Oh how it made me miss my own baby bump!). While we were there, Elijah and I were able to spend some time with some other friends (who got to meet him for the first time) and my family. It was a whirlwind trip and it seems there is never enough time to spend with everyone but we really love that we have been able to make it back every few months. Elijah was just at ease wherever we went, although I can tell the traveling take a toll on him because the crankiness started to show through towards the end and we are still feel some of the effects. But he seems to bond so easily with my family and friends and it is a pleasure to share my baby!

Carrie picked me up from there airport and we stopped by her house on our way to lunch.

I fully approve of her fridge décor.....a shot of us in junior high....SO YOUNG! SOOOO long ago!

The three of us were inseparable in junior high!

Lauren was ready to just eat him up!

Carrie has a way with the little kiddos. It was fun to watch her play with Elijah.

Elijah was not sure what to make of these crazy ladies! Bosk!
Some sidewalk silliness that is typical when these girls get together.

After lunch, we did some fabulous shopping in Suburban Square.

I so hope we all live in the same city again one day.

Elijah had a great time snuggling with Grandmam Lammer.

This is the very path that I used to walk to get to elementary school from my house.

Elijah took a break to play in the leaves.

Catching a glimpse of Mama's old school and the fun playground!

Such a strut!

We had a great day playing at Hillside Elementary.
There were all sorts of cool toys to play with at the Lammer's house!
Elizabeth's baby bump made a great seat for Elijah!

My funny boy found a toy he could chew and pick his nose with at the same time. Haha.

He was very entertained.

Elijah enjoyed playing with Beth's nieces.

Reading the newspaper with "Chief" Lammer.

Beth had not gotten any maternity photos done so before the shower we went down to Hillside and had a mini photo shoot!

The cake for the shower came from Clays Bakery...which is where we always got our birthday cakes for our family. They are the best!

So much fun to organize this for my friend.

She will be a great Mama!

My awesome cousins and Aunt Mary babysat Elijah while we were "showering" Elizabeth.


My cousin Molly can not get enough of Elijah.

Uncle Paul and Christina played some tunes for their great nephew.

Two cool dudes.

Elijah was glued to Christina.

Aunt Mary loves her littlest nephew.

He was pooped.
Christina has an excellent lap for napping.

Checking out the goodies in Gran's kitchen.

Next stop....Uncle Neil and Aunt Cathy's house for some play time with the infamous barn. Elijah loved playing with this so much at Thanksgiving, Santa brought him one at Christmas!

Oh how I wish our cousins lived closer.........

.......it would be great to have so many babysitters so close.

Cathy makes the best baby noises. She had us all in stitches.
 It was a really great and super fast trip. We hope to make it back in August for the nuptials of our cousin Ben to Christine! We will see how life unfolds over the next couple months but that is a trip I really look forward to. :)

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