31 March 2013

Elijah's First Easter

It has been an incredible Easter season for our family. We have had lots of Easter preparations and celebrations, always keeping our focus on the meaning behind the bunny. Elijah has gotten to experience the fun of Easter traditions as well as the magic of the Easter services at our church. (He loves the music!) Here is a little about our holiday season!

Bunny Photo Shoot
It is no secret that I love to take photos of our baby....especially in cute little costumes appropriate for the time of year. I was SO EXCITED to get this baby in bunny ears and a tail! Here are a few of my favorites!
The cutest bunny there ever way!

He looks like such a graceful bunny.

He loves playing with the eggs and basket.

I love the sky in this one.

"Mama I'm going to eat this one"

It was so cute that he was hiding the eggs just like the real bunny.


Love the little tail.
Easter Egg Hunt
My in laws neighborhood held an Easter Egg hunt for the little ones. I wasn't sure what Elijah' reaction would be. I should have known he would jump right in! He knew just what to do and started collecting eggs as soon as the kids were let loose! They even had the Easter Bunny there to take pictures with the kiddos. My heart beamed with pride as I saw the other parents fussing over my cute little bunny. Heehee. It was a great way to kick off the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday! I look forward to teaching Elijah all about the significance of Easter (as well as Christmas) as he gets older and can understand but I also love enjoying the fun and innocent fantasy that accompanies these celebrations and look forward to enjoying that aspect of the holidays with him in the years to come.
On your mark....get set....go get those eggs!

"They didn't hide them very well, Mama"

" I can do it all by myself"

I have so much love in my heart for this little bunny.

Giggle time with Grandmother

He got all those eggs himself. We did not help him at all!

Granddad's little buddy

Someone is very excited

"I come get you Mama"

He was so fascinated by the Easter Bunny.

I raise you up, baby boy.

Easter Picnic
My Time Out For Moms group at church decided to have a picnic the Wednesday before Easter. The chidcare had their own little Easter egg hunt for the kiddos so Elijah got to do that again and had a blast and then we had in indoor picnic since it was pretty chilly outside. I could not get Elijah to stay in one spot. He was off and running, very interested in what the other children were having for their lunches.
Good Friday
I am honored to serve in the Spring Baptist choir and getting to sing on Good Friday was one of the most moving experiences I have ever had. The music chosen so perfectly captured the essence of the not only the sacrifice of the Lord but joy of what was to come. I have not been to very many Good Friday services but the ones I have attended have always ended on such a solemn note. And though it is a very serious and solemn event we are remembering, there is such joy in the salvation that we are all offered through this sacrifice. The sermon was also pretty incredible, given in three parts by three different pastors and beautifully captured what the cross means to the Lord, to Satan and to you and me. I am thrilled to be a part of the magnificent church as well as to participate in such a marvelous service.
Easter Moring
Chip and I were so excited that the Easter Bunny would be coming to our house this year! Elijah must have known too because he was up bright and early before 5:30am! We let Daddy sleep until 6:00 and then went down and saw all the awesome loot! Lots of books about God and Jesus and even a funny rubber ducky that looked like a basketball (Elijah's new hobby).
Elijah's first Easter basket!
Elijah catches his first glimpse of his Easter Basket
He loves it!


This boy loves his ducks!

Easter Services
Easter this year was the best ever. Though last year's came close because it was also my birthday and I was almost nine months pregnant with a certain little bunny. We attended services at our Church with my in laws and then took pictures outside of the church with the flower covered cross. Every year they put the cross right outside and the congregation brings flowers to put on the cross. Beautiful symbolism and the perfect Easter photo op!
All dressed in his Sunday best!

Such a handsome boy

He wore Daddy's shoes!

My little gentleman


Such a happy little boy

Family of three ready for Easter!

The flower cross

I love this.

I'm not sure what he is looking at here but it cracks me up.
Easter Lunch
After church we went back to Grandmother and Granddad's house for a fabulous Easter lunch. There were Easter treats waiting for Elijah there too! My mother in law sets a beautiful table and today was no different. So festive!
Elijah's Easter Loot!

Laughing with Granddad

Beautiful Easter table

He loves his Granddad

Loves his lunch!

Reading his card from his Parish Grandparents

He loves his lamb from Aunt Virginia and Uncle Josh!

Looking at a book with Grandmother on her IPad!
Egg Dying
We wanted to dye eggs with Grandmother and Granddad so we waited until Easter since they were out of town.  We had so much fun getting creative. Chip tried to make an Ole Miss Egg but it ended up looking brown. I made a pretty 3 tone egg and there were a few with Elijah's name on them. We had a lot of fun!


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