05 April 2013

Home Improvment......Taming The Jungle

When we moved into our home, one thing that needed a little help was the crazy bushes in our front yard. Chip has done a fantastic job of not letting them get any more out of control. But lately we have talked about cutting them down, way down, to so that they fill out a bit and have a more groomed look. My fabulous mother in law volunteered to help me tackle this task as a surprise for Chip.  Friday, the weather was beautiful and we were up for the task! We were able to do almost all of it on our own with the exception of one giant bush in the middle that had the equivalent of about four or five medium sized tree trunks that desperately needed cutting. I spotted a "handy man" up the street using a sort of electric saw and asked him if he would kindly help us with the last part of our project and he obliged. THANK YOU KIND STRANGER! Chip and I will definitely need to throw some work his way! And so without further ado...............the taming of our jungle!
Ready to help Mama!
The "Before" Picture
My little man was so entertained by his Mama and Grandmother doing manual labor.
Grandmother, how can we ever thank you enough for your help!

Texas Chainsaw Grandmother.

Babywearing Landscaping Mama!

Elijah was so good all day long! My boy loves the outdoors!

The "After". Yes it looks a little naked but it feels so good to have it under control. Chip and I are toying with the idea of pulling out some of these bushes and starting over if we can get it in the budget...and the others don't fill in nicely. I definitely want to put some color in with some flowers.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl that looks awesome! I bet that feels so "fresh" to have the excess GONE! What a great project to have done! I bet you and Mama were hilarious with the chain saw! You go girls!
