27 April 2013

A Very Happy Birthday Party.....Under The Sea!

The dust has settled. The birthday and party are over. And I have to say, it lived up to the dream. I always have visions, hopes, dreams and expectations that reality can ever seem to live up to. This was the exception. Sure, I was sick. (Yes that part sucked big time and is quite apparent in the photos) but the party itself, the décor that I so carefully planned with our son's enjoyment in mind surpassed what I had hoped. I do wish we had gotten video of cake time but other than that, it was the picture perfect celebration. Friends and family gathered around our baby as he turned into a toddler. Of course he will ALWAYS be a baby to me!

Elijah's ACTUAL Birthday/Party Set Up
Elijah's actual birthday was Friday. We spent it getting ready for the party although I could not help but keep my eye on the clock and remember what I was doing at every hour the year before. And at that magical time, 7:22 PM when I heard his voice for the first time ,  I had to stop my decorating, pic up my boy and give him the biggest squeeze ever. Every moment in the past year was precious to me and that will not change just because he is one.
Watching his big cousin jam out on the piano.

I loved seeing the look of awe on his face as he stared up at the home crafted jellyfish!

Looking out the window at Daddy's truck.

The birthday "bib" being worn a cape.

Looking very serious.

Elijah enjoyed a little outdoor birthday time when we took a break from decorating.

I love that little face.

"Mama, how old are YOU?"

"This little monkey is ONE". I love this onesie sent by Granmumsy and Pop!

A little baby wearing decorating action

Elijah enjoyed "helping"

"I know just where to put this sea horse Mama!"

The Decorations

The front yard with a balloon path representing the ocean (so it was like you were walking under the sea when we you walked into the house) and there was beach gear and a baby pool on either side! :)
Our "sea"

I just love the way everything turned out with all the balloons and decorations. It really had the exact effect that I was going for!

I made lots of jellyfish out of paper bowls. It was a fun project...involving lots of hot glue and many burnt fingers.

We had a photo mat for guests to sign when they came in and I thought it would be fun to have pictures of Chip and me when we were one.

Elijah's baby book, birth story, first year calendar and belly book on display.
The gift area.

A close up of one of my creations :)

A view from the kitchen.

Another view

I thought it would be fun to have photos of Elijah's first year as part of the décor.

Pictures of my sweet boy

Some fun sea themed decorations from Party City

Chip and Elizabeth's seahorses

The goody bags made and stuffed by Grandmother.
The Food
I had so much fun planning the menu and presentation and found some really great ideas on pinterest. At Halloween, we discovered that Chip has a knack for carving so I put him to work carving a shark out of a watermelon. SUCCESS! I also saw the idea on Pinterest to serve food in sand buckets. BRILLIANT!

I was so impressed with Chip's shark!

Our hummus octopus!

Some fun touches on the dessert table

My sister in law some pretty specific dietary needs and I wanted to be sure she could indulge in some birthday treats so I made these cookies especially for her! Served in a sand shaker.

This design was the inspiration for our theme!

A yummy favorite with the kids was chocolate covered marshmallows with fish and bubble decorations.

Yummy snacks and dips served in sand toys!

The "smash" cake was included with our cake by our family cake lady (who we love!). Although Elijah hasn't gotten to smash it since I prefer to keep him from refined sugar but I may give in this week for a photo shoot. It is sitting in our fridge.

The cake was covered in shimmery sparkles. It was beautiful!

The yummy honey sweetened cupcakes I made for all to try! They were a hit with the birthday boy!

More yummy food!
Cake Time!
Happy Birthday Elijah!

He loves his mommy's cupcakes!

Such a serious cake eater

"Happy Birthday to me!"

"Is this for me?"

He's not sure about the hat.

Smiling birthday boy!
Enjoying exploring his cupcake.

"MMMMmmmmm Mama you are a good cook!"
The Party
We were so excited to have so many family and friends join us in celebration of the first year of this big life. I dreamed about my first child's first birthday the same way girls dream about their wedding and having people who love Elijah there was such an important part of that. We had lots of kiddos of all ages too which made it even more fun!

My nephew Jacob looking very festive in his fish shirt!

The guys having some outdoor fun

Our friend, Celeste loved the lawn mower. I'm thinking of hiring her to come to my house!

Elijah and Jaob....TEAM WORK. Not sure what they are working on.

Sweet picture of Elijah with Grandmother.

The Parishes love to party! Though Elijah doesn't look so sure.....

Steph enjoying some time with other Mam's.

Elijah is VERY excited.

Aunt Shirley (Louisiana Sr. Parish!) never misses important occasions in Texas!

Granny (The ULTIMATE Sr. Parish, though she is also Shook) was so happy to be here for "her baby's" first birthday!

Family resemblance? Yup!

Elijah was reminiscing when he used to hang out in this bouncy seat!

Grandmother has made some upgrades to the seat since then and Elijah enjoys them very much.

More guy play! Elijah loved hanging with the "big" boys!

Kristie and Kyleigh looking fabulous.

Layla is just six weeks older than Elijah. Kristie and I had fun being pregnant together!

Kyle is in a house full of women. I think he enjoyed a little guy time. :)

These girls love their daddy. He's a good one!

It mean so much for Robin to join us on this special day. Love you Rah Rah!

Elijah's gift from Grandmother and Granddad was a hit with all the kiddos!

He is so at home outside!

Trish and Rick Warner were happy to come by and see our boy turn one!

Maybe Elijah will help Mama plant her garden!

Snuggles for Rah Rah

I leaned over to give Jacob a hug and he put his arm around my neck. Such a sweetie!

Jadon LOVED watching Elijah open his gifts!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.....

Susie drove in for the day all the way from Austin. We love our cousin Susie!!!!

Elijah had lots of neat and generous gifts!

He helped open up his presents.

Elijah LOVES cards. I think it is because he likes books and they seem similar to him.

Intrigued by his new car set!

"I can do it, Mama!"

That's my son....chewing on the bag.

Checking out his new book!

"Look Mama! Is that for ME?"

Inspecting his card.

"Look Mama, Fishies!"

I think I may have had unrealistic expectations when I set up the little chair with the balloon for him to sit in when he opened his gifts.

"Neat Mama!"

One of Elijah's official photographers!

Check out that hair. Haha.

Happy Birthday baby boy.  Your Daddy and I love you so much. You have impressed us, made us so proud and filled us with so much love! We have loved you for years even though you are only one year old. We could not be happier that you are OUR LITTLE BOY!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures were so fun to look at! It really was a picture perfect party - so much fun and you looked GREAT! I could NOT tell you were sick :-) Love you you and Elijah!
