26 March 2013

Eleven Months Old!

Elijah is eleven months old today.  Each month seems to go by faster than the month before. I can't imagine how fast this next month will go and the my baby is not going to be a baby anymore! He has already been acting like a toddler for several months now! His balance is incredible. He is able to pick up a full size basketball from the ground and walk it towards the goal after watching his daddy shoot baskets. He loves to laugh as he always had but it has gone to a new level. He just cracks up at things he finds funny with this eruption of laughter....just like his mama. We love to laugh together. We imitate faces the other one makes and then just break out in giggles. His favorite is for us to stick our tongues out at each other. He just thinks that is a hoot. Hhis language development has picked back up and he now says dog which comes out "gog" along with Mamamamamamama and Dadddd Dadddd Dadddd. Elijah's love of music continues to grow and he has even started "dancing" occasionally. I try to dance with him around the room a little every day. Sometimes we choose to dance to Elmo or Raffi and sometimes it is something a little edgier like Pink (who is an awesome attachment parent by the way!).  He is such a physical little guy but also likes music and art (well pictures in books anyway) so it will be interesting to see if one of these things becomes a favorite or if he ends up being just well rounded in all areas like his daddy.  He is starting to cling to me a lot in new situations/people but quickly warms up seems to let the caregivers get to know him pretty well in the church nursery where we go several times a week.   He listens very well and complies with direction (such as when we are guiding him on what he can and cannot touch). He is especially attentive when he is well rested. His understanding of the concept of "sharing" is continuing to develop so well and he even does it voluntarily sometimes, though he can be a bit "grabby" when it comes to balls.

Elijah still just has the two baby teeth.  One of the top teeth is poking through but has not broken the gums yet and it is just killing him. I hate to watch him in pain and have ended up giving in and giving him baby tylenol which I hate doing but I hate seeing him hurt even more. It seems like this tooth just won't come through. His growth has slowed A LOT which is expected for breastfed babies. They do most of their growing in the first six months. He has not gained in a couple of months but is continuing to grow....just thin out due to how active he is. His favorite foods are Mama's milk, hummus and bananas.  He just loves being outside. WE have started to spend more time in the back yard and even without any toys, he is able to entertain himself for long period of time.....and it is so fun to watch.  Even as I write this he is racing around the backyard full of giggles yelling "Da Da Da Daddddddd".  We still have a little challenge with naps but not anything like it was before. We are finding our rhythm together at this stage and life feels a little more relaxed for us both. Now if we could just get this tooth to come through..........

Our photo shoot was quite an experience today. He was in a funny mood and just did not want to sit stil. At one point he escaped with Mr. Bear. "Come on Mr. Bear....let's head for the hills!"

"Mama, look at me. I'm a big boy.....bigger than Mr. Bear now!"

"Mama you crack me up!"

"Mr. Bear is pretty funny too"

I can't believe I get to be his Mama!

Such a ham!

I' not sure if I caught him in the act here but this is his poopy face for sure.

"See ya later Mama. Me and Mr. Bear are outta here!"

At Gymboree: He always goes for the children's costumes while we are waiting for class to start.

Elijah LOVES the stuffed Gymbo!

Yay for Gymboree Day!

Elijah and his new friend, Dakota, playing on the wooden boat at Gymboree. If you turn it over, it becomes a bridge. So cool.

"I found the ball Mama!" I use balls for motivation at Gymboree.

Today we had lots of fun in the tire swing!

Elijah is a very proficient climber.

"Peekaboo I see you!"


  1. I cannot believe he is 11 months old already!! He is just beautiful and I can't wait to see him turn 1!!! Love you buddy!

  2. We love you too Aunt Biz! CANNOT wait for your visit!
