17 March 2013

Our Trip to Chicago

Chip and my parents have something in common; a love of Chicago! So when my parents invited us on their Chicago trip for my dad's birthday and St. Patrick's day, we were ecstatic! I had never been but knew that I would love the city. Elijah's and I spent nine days in luxury in a suite at the fabulous Waldorf Astoria hotel with Granmumsy (Grandmama renamed herself), Pop, Uncle Brad and Cinnamon. Chip joined us a few days into the trip. It was one of those weeks that is a once in a lifetime type of living. The weather was awesome, we even got some snow!  Elijah loved the suite! He ran around from room to room and the whole thing was pretty much baby proof (all 2100 square feet of it!) so he exhausted himself with his exploration. I have a TON of photos so I am doing my best to select a few (ahem) that will tell the story of our awesome vacation. Thank you Granmumsy and Pop for an incredible time! 

One of the coolest features of our room was the TV in the mirror of the bathroom!
Elijah made himself quite at home in the big fluffy bed
Taking a break from our bike tour in Lincoln Park
We stopped at Lake Michigan.....partially frozen and so were we by the time we got there!

The view from our bedroom.

The was outside an modern art museum. I thought it was a really cool tribute to mothers....my dad told me it was a brand of car wax. Not sure which it was a tribute to but cool nonetheless. 

My fancy baby is ready for his fine dining experience. First up, Lawry's!
My date was so handsome in his tux!
Did I mention it was cold in Chicago?
Brad enjoyed his almost nightly dinner of cheese ravioli from a hotspot in Chicago, Grimaldi's.

Elijah on one of his nightly jogs

Kisses from Pop!
Waiting to get into the Shedd Aquariaum
A certain baby of mine napped happily for the first part of our day.

Once he woke up, he was in awe of all the sea life!

"Mama do you see the fish!"

Pop and Elijah share a love of aquariums.
Loved hanging out with my dad and my brother!
Elijah looked terribly sophisticated in his 3D glasses
"Mama did you see me running around!"
There were lots of windows the perfect height for Elijah. He loved being able to look out over the city.
Elijah enjoyed a nap while I enjoyed a peaceful lunch with my mom and brother!

The sweetest face I know.
Chip arrived in Chicago and the very next day we headed to the Willis Tower (Formerly the Sears Tower and the tallest building in the United States!)
Ok so...the observation area is on the 103rd floor and they have this bubble with a glass bottom that you can stand on. I could NOT bring myself to put Elijah on there...or even stand on it myself. I felt like I was letting him drop. It was just too horrific to even think about. I tried and just couldn't do it.....
......so I put him over here in front of a window. Lol.

I could not believe that the bubble freaked me out so much. Fortunately Chip was a brave man and we got the pics of Elijah that we wanted and even I BACK UP on to the bubble while looking up so we could get a shot.

There's that crazy husband of mine.

My BRAVE boys.

Even looking at this picture makes my heart speed up.
Seriously.....don't you just want to grab him and hold him tight so he doesn't fall!

Yes, I put on my big girl panties and eased my way onto the deck. I was not going to miss this photo op!
The Field Museum was conveniently across from Soldier Field, one of the places on Chip's wish list to see!

We got to see "Sue" the T Rex! This part of the museum was used in the filming of my favorite John Hughes movie, She's Having A Baby!

They had an incredible mummy exhibit! It is so amazing to think that these mummies and artifacts are thousands of years old!

Um Michael Jackson.....CREEPY!

We had to take a photo with the zebra for Grandmother. Go Zwink!

There were lots of really cool dinosaurs!

This was Chip's favorite

Elijah started to get heavy so Daddy took a turn babywearing!

I had a little fun with the fashion exhibit.
Daddy and Elijah being silly.

My little monkey

All dressed up and ready to go to dinner.....DISCLAIMER>>>>>FAKE FUR! I would never wear the real thing.

This picture cracks me up because Chip and Elijah are making the exact same face

My silly baby.
We went to the Museum of Science and Industry and they had this really cool old fashioned little town.

Chip's like the scale model of Chicago.

We had fun climbing on a mini rock wall.

I wonder if I could still do it with a baby on my back?

Elijah sure thought something was funny!

He had a great time running all over with Granmumsy!

My sweet boy.

Elijah loved this room with all the lights.


Perfect for tubing!
There was a really cool children's area at the Museum that Elijah loved!

This baby loves playing in the water.
Chip had a little fun himself.
I found a great photo op in the section with the ships.
Elijah decided on a blue tux for dinner this time.
He even has tux shoes to complete his ensembles.
Something is about to happen.......
Fun times with Pop!

On the balcony with my honey.

I think this was by far Dad's biggest birthday dessert.

We went to Billy Goat Tavern made famous first by the curse on the Cubs and then by Saturday Night Live!
What a view of Chicago. This was on our Segway tour. Our guide told us that lots of people take their wedding photos here. Gorgeous!

I felt like Paul Blart...Mall Cop....but is was totally fun!

Dad knew what he was doing...this was not his first rodeo.

Love and marriage....love and marriage.......The Married With Children fountain!

Chip was thrilled to go on a Wrigley Field tour!

He got to sit in the players......um....that place where the players sit during the game.....you know....in baseball.....the bench maybe?

Elijah started doing this thing in Chicago where he raises his hands to the heavens and looks up.....like he is praises God.......or something........We have no idea where he got it or what cues him to do it but it is so cute.

Life with a baby....I can only wear my "baby proof" necklaces that are especially made for nursing, teething, pulling etc. But I was very excited to have my four leave clover (Not shamrock as my very Irish dad will tell you) necklace so I put it on for a quick picture on my dady's birthday and the day before St. Patrick's day (which was when it was celebrated this year)
Elijah was decked out in his green, ready to celebrate Pop's birthday and St. Paddy's Day!
Loves his Irish Grampa!

These two look like they could get in some trouble together!

We went to watch the river dyed green. So cool!

It was great to spend my dad's birthday with him!
There was this guy dressed up like a leprechaun who had this water jet pack and he was flying above the river. I had never seen anything like it!
Me and my boy!
Beth, who I had been with the week before in PA, lives in Chicago and came by our hotel for a quick visit! It was fun to see her pregnant belly again!
Bundled up babywearing!

One the way to the parade, Chip spotted the iconic Mike Ditka's restaurant!

We had a great time watching a little bit of the parade but could really get close. There were ALOT of people out for my dad's birthday. Haha.

Elijah did seem to enjoy watching the parade.

Daddy's turn for bundled up babywearing.

A sweet moment I caught of Chip and Elijah.

I think we wore him out.

Ready for Pop's birthday dinner and our last night in Chicago!

Happy Birthday, Daddy/Pop!

The last of the week of fabulous meals!

The flight home of this trip marked Elijah's tenth flight in less than eleven months. He is a well traveled baby!

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