25 February 2012

A Trip To San Francisco at 30 Weeks!

Elijah and I just got back from our trip to San Francisco! It was the annual Starwood Sales Kick Off and I was 30 weeks pregnant for this event.  I didn't anticipate air travel to be that much more uncomfortable being 30 weeks pregnant......I was wrong.  Thankfully, the trip was medically uneventful (a worry that sat in the back of my mind for the duration of time there). Even so, I do not recommend long flights to anyone this far along.  I have not had any trouble with swelling my entire pregnancy, but that changed not only during my flight but also do to the climate change, and all the activity at the kick off.  Also, travelers are grumpy and although some of them make allowances for the special needs of pregnant women......this is not the case for all of them and I encountered a but of rudeness.  However all in all, it was a fun and successful trip.  I enjoyed my bit of free time as well as the corporate events.  I especially enjoyed getting some fabulous pregnancy San Francisco pictures to share with Elijah so he can see that he was there too!
The first night, I went out to a fabulous dinner with our Area Director of Sales and Marketing, Octave, and another Sales Manager, Carl. 
My good friend, Cathalin and I took advantage of some sales!
Our hotel was located by the famous Union Square
I enjoyed a fabulous lunch with Meghan at The Grove on Market Street........where I had some of the best French Onion soup I have ever tasted, and the restaurant was dog friendly!
Some fun exploring China Town!
The last night of our trip was a big dinner at City Hall. (That's a Shirley Temple in my hand) followed by a concert.  Elijah and I made it through an hour of the dinner but we decided to skip the concert in favor of early bed!
On the morning of departure,  I made it down to the San Francisco Bay Bridge for a morning walk! (This picture is blurry but I really wanted a picture of Elijah and me in front of the bridge so it will have to do)
And what trip to San Fran would be complete without hopping on one of their famous street cars!
It was a fantastic trip. However I am so glad to be home safe and don't plan going further than a few hours from home (a trip to Dallas and a trip to San Antonio) before Elijah gets here.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun trip and what a great end of pregnancy memory for you and Elijah! :-)
