14 February 2012

The Journey Continues...to Elijah.......

The Journey to Elijah…..

After our loss and what seemed like an endless 21 months of trying to have a baby, we began preparations for our frozen embryo transfer. We had two embryos left from our IVF.  An amazing blessing allowed us to move quickly forward with our frozen embryo transfer, separating the procedures by just 10 weeks.  We began our progesterone shots to prepare my body for its new tenant(s).  I could write an entire book on the ups and downs of progesterone shots but we will just say that it was totally worth it.
Our frozen transfer was scheduled, after some delays, for August 16, 2011.

We decided that it would be a really neat thing to have my mother in law share this part of the journey. After all, how many mothers can say they were there for the conception of their grandchildren. We were very excited for her to be able to share this with us and potentially be with us at the beginning of life.

This time I put myself on bed rest for 5 days, taking no chances this time.

Mom (Parish) and Granny stayed with me and Chip took care of me in the evenings.  I laid on my back and tried to find the inner strength.  I looked to God. I looked to my lost child. I looked to family long gone.  I took cleansing breaths and tried to draw the strength and energy from all these sources.

On the last night of bed rest, I received a call from my best friend, Heather. Her beloved grandfather had passed.  She told me that when someone passes in her family, someone is always born. And because we consider one another sisters, she felt sure that this child that was put into me would attach, thrive and be born. 

A week passed. I had another week left to wait before my blood test. I just so happened to remember, on the way to work, that there was a pregnancy test in my glove compartment. (I had taken so many over the past two years of trying, I would occasionally find them random places).  I told myself that it was too early to know for sure but I knew I what I was going to do.  I got to work and headed straight to the bathroom.  At first my heart sunk. I only saw 1 line. I closed my eyes ready to cry and when I opened them again, as if by magic, another little blue line had appeared! I could not believe it! I took this test 1 week after my transfer and it was already showing up as positive. This had to be a good sign! I called Chip and he was elated but warned me not tell anyone yet. 

A week later we had our “official” blood test (4 weeks pregnant) and found that our beta levels (the pregnancy hormone) were over 1000!!!! The levels on our first pregnancy had only been 65. This pregnancy was strong and thriving! I heard and saw the heartbeat at just 5 weeks! The elation and joy was there from the beginning but it came in waves.  We were very scared and very cautious but slowly we began to realize that this time was for real. Our baby was really on the way.

And now he is so real that he keeps me up at night, kicks me in the ribs, gets hiccups in my belly and his little personality is already apparent even though he won’t be here for another couple of months. Our amazing journey has just begun. 

Photos of Elijah's journey into being....
We gathered our strength and renewed our hope as we  continued to what would become a successful  transfer!
Not many  Grandmas can say there were present when their grandchild was conceived!
It was so special to be able to share this together
Bed rest again...and Mom (Parish) stayed with me since Chip could not take off this time.
Granny was with me as well and was a wonderful cuddle companion
It was a great example of how the Parish women stand by one another

1 comment:

  1. This was a lovely post Angela. It filled me with such joy to read this, baby Elijah is so lucky to have two parents as wonderful as you and Chip.

    -Amanda Cox
