19 February 2012

A Surprise Box from Cousin Missy for Elijah and Mommy!

Let me start off by staying I have the most creative cousin that ever lived!  She is an inspiring person who lives a very eco-friendly sustainable life and is an excellent example for us all.  She is also one of the most "crafty" people I know!  (My Aunt Merrily and cousin, Susie are extremely creative as well so this should be no surprise).  Missy told me she was working on some baby inspired projects that she would be sending to us.  Nothing could have prepared me for the box of treasures I found on my doorstep this morning!  Here are the amazing (mostly homemade) thoughtful and useful gifts that were sent to us from our California cousin!
A hooded baby towel with an "E" for Elijah! I can't wait to wrap his cute, naked little body  in this big soft towel!
Three Pee Pee Tee Pee's! I love that Elijah will have homemade ones!  And sweet Winnie The Pooh's to boot!  I think these are my favorite!
"Baby Friendly Necklaces" for Mama! Also known as teething necklaces, I am so excited about these as well! I have never seen homemade ones before and am thrilled Elijah and I will have these to share!  So creative!
Homemade burp clothes. This are really going to be great! The back half has a terry cloth layer sown in.   So perfect.   I know these will quickly become  my "go to" burp cloths!
My cousin knows me so well!  Such a cute onesie. I love stripes on babies and Elijah will definitely be the "cutest monster"
I told Missy that I love hats with ears. Well, so does Missy so knowing her, this hat was already in the works when we had that conversation. So adorable!!!
Some squishy homemade baby balls! Notice the larger one matches the Pee Pee Tee Pees.  
This is a tag blanket for Elijah to play with.  I know he will enjoy exploring the many different textures and patterns!
Homemade reversable bibs. They are so thick and absorbant, I am sure they will quickly become a family favorite!
Fair Trade baby soap and natural cleansing wipes!  (Okay, we seriously need a Trader Joe's in Houston!)
                                                         Some Indulgences for Mommy!
Homemade lavender bath salts! Great timing because I have needed relaxing baths lately for my aching back and legs!
 A homemade eye mask (I love those!), Trader Joe's fruit leather (I already ate one!), and some fancy chocolates (they won't be here long!). 
 A foot mas ager! My aching feet are very grateful!


  1. Yay! I am so glad the package arrived and that you liked the gifts. :) I know I don't see you often these days, but I'm still thinking of you guys!

  2. Also! I suppose some rumors have been going around for a while about TJs in Texas, but from the Trade Joe's website and other things I've read, TJ's in going to be in Texas this year! The first one is going to open in the Woodlands:
