31 May 2015

Mama Joins The Crew In California and Nan's 92nd Birthday

Part of the master plan of Elijah going to Disneyland with my parents was for me to fly to California to collect him and also have a short visit! As a former Los Angeles resident I miss so much about the city, not least of all THE WEATHER and the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf chains! That in and of itself is enough of an appeal for me to want to go back but add in that I get to see my parents (Granmumsy and Pop), Aunt Shula and my Nan and pick up my sweet boy after being away from him for 4 days, I was ecstatic about this trip! 

One of the nicest aspects of the trip was getting to see Nan for her 92nd birthday. When Nan moved to California so she could be near Aunt Shula, whom she had designated to make medical decision for her before her dimensia set in, I was not sure if I would get to see her again. Traveling with three small children is no easy feat and so when this opportunity was presented, seeing Nan was a major highlight. She was not sure who we were but I saw a light in her eyes briefly return as she watched Elijah play and dance and run with joy. My mother said that was the best gift we could give Nan for her birthday and I know she is right. It is really quite beautiful where she lives though and it makes me feel good to know that she has a lovely garden and beautiful weather in which to sit.

Three generations....four were there but we have some camera shy folks in the family. 

Our silly happy Elijah.

Elijah enjoyed our time at Aunt Shula's house. There were lots of fun things to do! He loves harvesting fruits and veggies (I have GOT to get a veggie garden going at home!) and there was chalk to play with, instruments....lots of the things Elijah loves doing. 

Love that smile

And that laugh!

Apparently we are really funny. 

Handsome like Pop

Elijah's foot. Mama's foot. 

I had never seen so many different colors and shades of chalk! Really cool set, Aunt Shula!

Elijah tried to counter his doughnut consumption by doing push ups. 

Not bad for a little guy!

And now the well earned doughnut!


A little gardening in Aunt Shula's crocs

Handsome boy

Harvest time!

We were able to make a quick trip to the beach a couple hours before Elijah and I headed home! This boy LOVES the beach! He is definitely a water kid and as you will see, there was no walking ALONG the ocean for Elijah.

 He could not wait to get to the ocean!
It was so much fun getting to focus solely on Elijah for a few days!
One of the three sweetest boys I know!
 We need to go to the beach more.
 The tide was coming in and he had so much fun letting the water "chase" him.
 Cute little footprints
 Elijah doing some of his now famous "moves"
 Such a sweet smile.
 Claude Pepper?
 My bouncing boy.
 He just got a kick out of watching the ocean run over his feet.

 Doing some kicks!
 Such a little ham
 There he goes!
 Yeah...I pretty much should have taken those pants off.
 "Okay buddy, time to go"
 One more ocean run.
 He made this one count....
 ....and found it hilarious.
 Drying off for the drive back.
And just as we get to dry sand, my very wet little boy "falls" flat body into the sand and laughs his tail off. Never a dull moments. 

It was an awesome trip and a fabulous week for Elijah! He kept everyone in stitches as always. One of the anecdotes I have to share is during the plane ride home. Elijah never meets a "stranger". He thinks everyone is his friends. (Something we are really going to have to work on for safety reasons as he gets older.) The airplane was no exception. He was sitting in the window seat, me in the middle and a sweet woman on my other side in the isle seat. Well Elijah spent the first 20 minutes of the flight (in addition to the time on the ground) chatting this woman up telling her about his trip and asking her questions about the plane and her life. I am just sitting in the middle of them basically minding my own business. Shortly after he falls asleep with his head on my lap and stays that way for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. When he wakes up he looks over at her, looks back at me then asks her if he can sit on her lap. Lol. And i believe she would have let him except at this point we were beginning our decent and I didn't think it would be permitted. That little boy just cracks me up. He makes life so much fun and SO FUNNY. 

29 May 2015

Elijah Goes To Disneyland!

Elijah just had his very first Disney experience! Granmumsy and Pop asked several months ago if they could take Elijah to California.  We were so excited about this opportunity for Elijah. He is such an amazing big brother, so sharing and thoughtful and although I know having siblings makes life so much more fun, we thought it would be nice for Elijah to have the chance to be the sole center of attention for a change. And although I know he missed being with our family of five, he had an amazing time with his grandparents exploring the new to him world of a Disney! Aunt Shula, who lives in California, came along and documented the trip with photos!
Waiting to enter Disneyland on the first day of vacation!
Someone is excited to meet Mickey Mouse!
Pop and Elijah ready to go on some rides!

Dumbo ride with Pop! That was always one of Uncle Mark’s favorites too!

Elijah loves carousels!
Pop looks like he is enjoying being Elijah’s spotter!
Two pretty incredible dudes. 

Time for some Pooh Bear snuggles

Nose to nose with a Cinderella mouse
Must. Eat. Strawberry.
Quite smitten with the fairy Godmother
So many celebrities got to meet Elijah! Here he is with Captain Hook!
Hugs for Chip….
Or is it Dale? Smile
I’m not sure who this guy is (a young Goofy?) but Elijah was thrilled to meet him obviously!
Granmumsy and Pop said that Tiger was his FAVORITE!

Pure Joy.
There was some bouncing.
Hey look over there guys!

Driving around in his automobile.
Enjoying one of the Disneyland delicacies.
He was having so much fun!
Granmumsy’s hands…..wiping Elijah’s hands.
Ready for more rides!
Elijah, meet Pluto!
Pluto, this is Elijah!
Big smiles for Pop!
Elijah made some girlfriends while waiting for the parade to start!
Granmumsy was his “wingman” and invited girls to sit with them.
Handsome like Pop.
Chatting it up with his new girlfriends.

“King Eli of Lasagne” as he was called by Pop.
Elijah was “King Eli of Lasagna” at the princess breakfast. He obviously loves his fellow redheads! Here is is with Ariel!

Looking quite regal with Sleeping Beauty

A little one on one time with Snow White

Come on Pop! Let’s go on something else!
Some more carousel fun!

A rare disheveled moment for King Eli of Lasagna 

More yummy Disneyland treats!
I am guessing there is some cooperative bumper car driving going on here.

Last day in Disney!

A little rocket ship action!
Elijah went on his first roller coaster! Pop made sure he didn’t fall out.
Elijah got to meet the BIG CHEESE himself!

That is the face of a satisfied and tired little boy. Three awesome days.

Thank you so much to Granmumsy and Pop for an incredible Disney experience for our Elijah and to Aunt Shula for documenting the trip so we could see the joy on his face.