15 May 2014

My "Moms Night Out" Day Out

It's has been a year and a half since I have been to the movies. The last movie I saw in the theater was Argo (awesome film!) in November 2012.....before that was right before I got pregnant with Elijah. I LOVE going to the movies but with my nausea during my first full term pregnancy followed by "mommyhood".....let's face it....there just hasn't been a whole lot of opportunity for it. It's something that I do miss....the whole movie experience.
Well yesterday, not only did I get to enjoy a fabulous movie....IN A THEATER.....it was a movie about the crazy thrill ride that is motherhood and I got to see if with the wonderful group of ladies that make up Time Out For Moms at our very own Spring Baptist Church. The church even provided childcare from 9-2 that day so we could enjoy our outing without having to rush!  My sweet friend Debra (who is expecting baby #2!) agreed to ride with me and wear one of my twins who got to enjoy their first movie since both are exclusively breastfed. If you are going to go to the movies with three month old twins....the best way to do it is a 10:49am showing, on a weekday...with a group of other moms. No one minded when my twins took 30 mins to get settled and were a bit cranky. There were dozens of loving arms willing to hold babies and help, though thankfully Patrick and Rory settled pretty early and  actually seemed to enjoy looking at the movie too. (And I am fine with that today by the way!) then they fell asleep. (Praise God!). 
The movie itself was incredible. It was funny, heartwarming and oh so true! I loved seeing so much I can related to. It seems all moms lose their mind at times, call their husbands asking (desperately) when they will be home to help. All moms feel "Do I deserve these precious children....can I handle this? Am I worthy" and in the same breath want to send their kids via UPS to Timbuktu. There were also some amazing reminders not to compare yourself to other moms, or to judge them. We are all just doing our best. Great message. Great movie. Great day. Thanks to Robin and Bambi for organizing it. Thanks to all the ladies for the fellowship had for loving me babies so much. Great way to start the summer!

My sweet boys on the way home. Elijah(in the very back) fell asleep and so did Patrick so I "got to" drive around for an hour. Just another day in Mommy's Paradise.

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