29 July 2013

Our First (and hopefully last) Pregnancy Scare

Yesterday was our first Sunday back in church. Chip and I had missed a couple of months because of pregnancy and some other personal things that happened in our family. We were so excited to be back! We did our usual Sunday routine of me getting dropped off at church so I can sing in the first service and he headed over to his parents house with Elijah to hang out until second service. I sang first service and attended Sunday school. Second service rolled around at 10:30 so I again sang with the choir for the first 35 minutes of the service.

When the music portion of the service had ended and the sermon began, I made my way out the choir exit and headed to sit with my family, first stopping in the bathroom. When I had (ahem) finished, I noticed something that every pregnant woman prays she does not see when she goes to the bathroom. Bright red spotting. Not just a little spotting but enough to send me into a panic. I quickly found my family and quietly but urgently let them know we needed to go. ASAP.

Chip's parents took Elijah to their house while Chip took me to the nearest ER. Well, apparently, threatened miscarriage is not considered an "emergency" because when we arrived we were checked in and told to wait. Wait to see if my babies were still alive. Wait to see if I was losing these two precious beings that we hoped, prayed and worked for, for so long. Waited while people around us, who really seemed more interested in smoking their cigarettes, asking for money and eating their fast food than whatever they came in for, were seen one after the other.  I knew that if we were actively miscarrying, there was nothing they could do. But I also believed there is a lot of gray area between miscarrying and NOT and that resting, feet up can make a difference. It would be nice to know what we were dealing with. On top of that, I just finished my progesterone shots (and was on to suppositories for transition) so if my progesterone was low there was ABSOLUTELY something we could do about that. In fact, my father in law was already on the way to my house to pick up my left over shots so Chip could administer it just in case.

We finally made it back to our room and I was told to change into a gown. The nurse came in and wanted to place an IV in case I needed fluid. Not sure if this was SOP but seemed unnecessary at this point. An IV seemed silly to me but I was in no mood to question. I was just ready to find out how my babies were. Well, I should have objected after the several failed attempts to place an IV. I was stuck no less than 8 times by this nurse who started asking if I was dehydrated. Um, no, I am constantly drinking water and had peed three times in the last two hours and had to go again.  She decided to just try to get blood to test hormones and when she failed at that several times, we said we were declining bloodwork for now. The doctor in the meantime had come in and said that progesterone levels wouldn't come back today anyway and that was really what we were looking for. The doctor disappeared for another thirty  minutes and then returned with a hand held ultrasound machine. He very quickly found both babies and both heartbeats but seemed clueless about reading an ultrasound other than that. I asked about the placentas and bleeding and he could not locate the placenta....not because it was not there but because he didn't know what to look for apparently. We had the information we needed anyway. Our babies were alive. I was told to take it easy until I saw my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) the next morning. Oh that was another thing. When the nurse asked about my doctor, I told her I still saw my RE and she thought I was telling her I had rheumatoid arthritis. Um say what???  Yeah, not impressed with that ER but at least we knew the babies were alright for now and I could rest until we found out more.

That night, Chip slept in Elijah's room since I was told not to pick him up for now and my mother in law came over early this morning to drive me along with Elijah to the fertility clinic. Can I say one more time how AMAZING the staff at Houston Fertility Institute is. I just love them. I had been in contact with my "go to" nurse and friend, Catalina, the whole day before and she advised me on bedrest and taking it easy. She arranged for one of their doctors, Dr. Witz....also AWESOME, to see me first thing in the morning. Within seconds of my ultrasound, Dr. Witz was able to assure me that both babies were strong, healthy and there was no threat of miscarriage or sign of blood or clotting anyone near or around the babies. PRAISE GOD! He did a pelvic exam after and saw there was some dried blood but it is no where near the cervix. DOUBLE YAY! And likely came from the progesterone suppositories and irritation that those tend to cause. I was assured that there was no cause for concern and I could go on about my day, and pregnancy as normal.

The last 24 hours were so scary and yet, I was able to lean on family and friends, near and far. People we didn't know even were praying for us as well as our church, my mom group and family and friends. As I continue to exhale throughout today (I was holding my breath for a really long time!!) I will think of how blessed and loved these babies are already and how many people already love and pray for them.  In my heart we are already a family of 5 (7 counting our doggies!).  At the hospital ER, we were told our pregnancy is not "viable" until 20 weeks. Really? You are going to say that to two scared parents fearing being on the verge of losing their children. You are also going to tell me that half the time, bleeding ends in miscarriage. I KNOW those statistics are NOT true as I was told much different information by Dr. Witz about how normal it is to sometimes have bleeding, especially with the meds! Grrrrrr. But I won't be angry at the callous insensitivity we were treated with at the ER. Not today. Today I will be happy and grateful for my healthy twins and amazing one year old boy who was a trooper through it all!

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