19 July 2013

10 Weeks Pregnant

We made it to double digits! 10 weeks always feels like a milestone to me. When I was pregnant with Elijah, that is what I was told was really when you are "out of the woods". I know it is common that the whole first trimester is a little shaky but with all the extra monitoring of IVF patients, they seem to feel pretty confident around 10 weeks though I will still see my RE nurses for another week and half. Thank goodness. I am not ready to give up those weekly reassurances quite yet.

Babies are both doing great! They are MUCH bigger now so hard to measure with the trans-vaginal ultrasound. They are both wiggling around a lot. Petite Parish A is still easier to see than Petite Parish B because B is further back and in a little bit tighter of a space but both heart rates are in a healthy range at about 150 bpm. It is so unbelievable that there is so much going on in me that I can't even feel. I remember thinking that with Elijah but with two babies dancing around in my belly.........that just a whole other ballgame!  One that I am very excited to be a part of.

How is Mama doing? Well, I am still super tired. I get dizzy whenever I stand up, occasionally to the point that I drop to me knees. So I don't get a whole lot done and our house is suffering.  Chip is very understanding. He cleans when he has time, and when he doesn't, he just tells me that it is no biggie. I have only put on two pounds so far but they have been within the last two weeks. A little emotional eating, a little to ease queasiness.  I don't really have morning sickness per say, but I feel a little off and eating makes me feel better. I'm anxious to get off the hormones and into the second trimester so I can really focus on my diet more though I must say, I am doing pretty well right now.

This was a big week. We chose an OB. In my heart I really wanted to birth either at home in at a birth center with a midwife. Oh, how I long for that. But since we are both VBAC and having twins, it just seemed like we should opt for the safety net of a hospital. If it was one or the other, it might be a different story but as it is, we chose a hospital birth. I got references from other Mama's and found an AMAZING OB who is referred to as "The Midhusband". When I heard this I KNEW this was my guy. He even said there is a possibility I could birth in the water. They have tubs at the Woman's Pavilion and he said although no one has done that, he would not be against it. Dr. Espana believes that we have an excellent chance at VBAC (which has been made even higher because we are using an awesome doula!) and he believes this will happen for us. He said that I need to exercise and that it is very important for me to keep my weight under control. So I will have lots of protein and calcium and very little carbs. And Elijah and I will start walking again in the mornings and maybe add a little yoga in the evenings. I am determined to have my natural birth for my twins! I am giving myself a little leeway for the remainder of the first trimester and then will ease into this lifestyle that will make it happen. And maybe next time I can have my homebirth! (Okay it is no secret that I would love a dozen kids but I do think Chip may be cutting me off at three. ) Heehee.
This week, the babies are as big as prunes! 

I'm always surprised at the size of my belly in pictures because it doesn't feel like I have one yet at all. 

10 weeks today!

Elijah is going to be such an awesome big brother!

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