07 July 2013

8 WeeksPregnant

Well, we spilled the beans. We are eight weeks pregnant with twins and could not be happier! I cannot wait to see Elijah as a big brother. And I am so looking forward to feeling what it is like to have TWO BABIES moving around in my belly. Can't wait for those first movements. We will continue to have doctor's appointments 1-2 times a week until about 11 weeks when I switch from our RE to an OB. We talked about using a midwife but decided since we are twin VBAC, we would play it safe so are interviewing OB's but already found an AWESOME doula that is also a midwife and a fabulous birth photographer. And the two are friends, which I think is really cool. But more on that later.

Today's appointment.......
Baby A is measuring two days ahead with heart rate of 170 bpm. Baby B is a day behind (so three days behind Baby A) and a heart beat of around 155 bpm. Both are in normal and healthy range and look great! Baby A is measuring (size and heart rate) almost exactly like Elijah did so I am wondering if we have a boy (Baby A) and a girl (Baby B). But time will tell! I couldn't ask for healthier babies so far. I pray for my little ones every day and in my heart, a already a mother of three!

How I a feeling......
Tired. Exhausted. Pooped. Did I mention tired? I was out of breath with Elijah but I don't remember being this tired. Insomnia (which is always there) has worsened as it did when I was pregnant the last time. I am not nearly as nauseous as I was before which is nice. But this fatigue is for the birds. SO if anyone feels like coming over and cleaning my house.....well, by all means. :) 4

The OHSS is pretty much gone. Well the fluid is anyway. So I am back down to my normal weight but I definitely have a tiny bump. Hey it is my second pregnancy and there are TWO BABIES in there!  Although the fluid is gone, the doctor confirmed once again that my ovaries are still giant and so in danger of twisting which is dangerous and potentially fatal. So I need to move gently. No rough housing. I am also told I can swim (Yay!) but I need to stay out of the heat, no heart rate above 120 and just be careful.

I've actually lost a pound since I got down to my pre OHSS weight which is a little surprising. I lost about 5 lbs with Elijah in the first tri but I was not able to eat. This time, I have actually not lost my appetite so I eaten more, and because I am so tired it is all about convenience. I am looking forward to the energey of second trimester so I really focus on healthy eating. I also anxious to start stockpiling frozen meals for when the baby comes but that won't be for several months.

These were actually taken at 8 Weeks 2 Days. Had hard time finding motivation this weekend but my wonderful hubby got me about and about in and back into the world today!

This week the babies are as big as raspberries!

The bump is starting to come it. I didn't realize how big it looks until I saw these pictures~
My son the camera ham, joining in on today's photo session.
Silly boy!
It is going to be so much fun to go through this pregnancy with my favorite little man.
Yowza. Big looking belly there. And I've LOST a pound!
I was just telling Chip I thought my belly was smaller than with my pregnancy with Elijah (left). Apparently I was wrong. Haha
Mama, Elijah and Petite A & B going for a fun dip!
I think my belly button is going to pop out pretty early this time around!

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