29 July 2013

Our First (and hopefully last) Pregnancy Scare

Yesterday was our first Sunday back in church. Chip and I had missed a couple of months because of pregnancy and some other personal things that happened in our family. We were so excited to be back! We did our usual Sunday routine of me getting dropped off at church so I can sing in the first service and he headed over to his parents house with Elijah to hang out until second service. I sang first service and attended Sunday school. Second service rolled around at 10:30 so I again sang with the choir for the first 35 minutes of the service.

When the music portion of the service had ended and the sermon began, I made my way out the choir exit and headed to sit with my family, first stopping in the bathroom. When I had (ahem) finished, I noticed something that every pregnant woman prays she does not see when she goes to the bathroom. Bright red spotting. Not just a little spotting but enough to send me into a panic. I quickly found my family and quietly but urgently let them know we needed to go. ASAP.

Chip's parents took Elijah to their house while Chip took me to the nearest ER. Well, apparently, threatened miscarriage is not considered an "emergency" because when we arrived we were checked in and told to wait. Wait to see if my babies were still alive. Wait to see if I was losing these two precious beings that we hoped, prayed and worked for, for so long. Waited while people around us, who really seemed more interested in smoking their cigarettes, asking for money and eating their fast food than whatever they came in for, were seen one after the other.  I knew that if we were actively miscarrying, there was nothing they could do. But I also believed there is a lot of gray area between miscarrying and NOT and that resting, feet up can make a difference. It would be nice to know what we were dealing with. On top of that, I just finished my progesterone shots (and was on to suppositories for transition) so if my progesterone was low there was ABSOLUTELY something we could do about that. In fact, my father in law was already on the way to my house to pick up my left over shots so Chip could administer it just in case.

We finally made it back to our room and I was told to change into a gown. The nurse came in and wanted to place an IV in case I needed fluid. Not sure if this was SOP but seemed unnecessary at this point. An IV seemed silly to me but I was in no mood to question. I was just ready to find out how my babies were. Well, I should have objected after the several failed attempts to place an IV. I was stuck no less than 8 times by this nurse who started asking if I was dehydrated. Um, no, I am constantly drinking water and had peed three times in the last two hours and had to go again.  She decided to just try to get blood to test hormones and when she failed at that several times, we said we were declining bloodwork for now. The doctor in the meantime had come in and said that progesterone levels wouldn't come back today anyway and that was really what we were looking for. The doctor disappeared for another thirty  minutes and then returned with a hand held ultrasound machine. He very quickly found both babies and both heartbeats but seemed clueless about reading an ultrasound other than that. I asked about the placentas and bleeding and he could not locate the placenta....not because it was not there but because he didn't know what to look for apparently. We had the information we needed anyway. Our babies were alive. I was told to take it easy until I saw my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) the next morning. Oh that was another thing. When the nurse asked about my doctor, I told her I still saw my RE and she thought I was telling her I had rheumatoid arthritis. Um say what???  Yeah, not impressed with that ER but at least we knew the babies were alright for now and I could rest until we found out more.

That night, Chip slept in Elijah's room since I was told not to pick him up for now and my mother in law came over early this morning to drive me along with Elijah to the fertility clinic. Can I say one more time how AMAZING the staff at Houston Fertility Institute is. I just love them. I had been in contact with my "go to" nurse and friend, Catalina, the whole day before and she advised me on bedrest and taking it easy. She arranged for one of their doctors, Dr. Witz....also AWESOME, to see me first thing in the morning. Within seconds of my ultrasound, Dr. Witz was able to assure me that both babies were strong, healthy and there was no threat of miscarriage or sign of blood or clotting anyone near or around the babies. PRAISE GOD! He did a pelvic exam after and saw there was some dried blood but it is no where near the cervix. DOUBLE YAY! And likely came from the progesterone suppositories and irritation that those tend to cause. I was assured that there was no cause for concern and I could go on about my day, and pregnancy as normal.

The last 24 hours were so scary and yet, I was able to lean on family and friends, near and far. People we didn't know even were praying for us as well as our church, my mom group and family and friends. As I continue to exhale throughout today (I was holding my breath for a really long time!!) I will think of how blessed and loved these babies are already and how many people already love and pray for them.  In my heart we are already a family of 5 (7 counting our doggies!).  At the hospital ER, we were told our pregnancy is not "viable" until 20 weeks. Really? You are going to say that to two scared parents fearing being on the verge of losing their children. You are also going to tell me that half the time, bleeding ends in miscarriage. I KNOW those statistics are NOT true as I was told much different information by Dr. Witz about how normal it is to sometimes have bleeding, especially with the meds! Grrrrrr. But I won't be angry at the callous insensitivity we were treated with at the ER. Not today. Today I will be happy and grateful for my healthy twins and amazing one year old boy who was a trooper through it all!

26 July 2013

11 Weeks Pregnant

We had another great week! We met with our doula for the first time and we just LOVE her! She seems as excited to be a part of our twins' birth as we are to have her be a part of it and I know she will help us realize the dream of a twin VBAC! While she was here, she helped me find both heart beats on the fetal doppler. I was always able to find it with Elijah but I didn't buy it until I was about 16 weeks so he was much bigger. So it was great to have someone help me find it on small babies and today I found both on my own! She also checked my fundal height (the height/size of uterus) and I am measuring at 14 weeks for a singleton. That explains why my clothes don't fit!

We graduate from the fertility clinic on Tuesday! That is a huge deal, and very bittersweet. We will officially be just a normal OB patient after that. (Oh how I still wish we were able to be a midwife patient but I know we are doing what is best for our babies.)  I will miss the nurses. They are truly amazing but I am sure I will be back to visit and show off my growing bump and eventually my babies!

I am still pretty tired but I think that is largely due to some sleep challenges I have been having with Elijah lately. Other than that (extreme fatigue) I feel great. I do have an occasional day of queasiness and being tired doesn't help but I continue to be perplexed that with one baby I was sick sick sick and with two, I haven't even gagged. That just goes to show you that every pregnancy is different.

Elijah and I (and our sweet Petite P's of course) are flying to Los Angeles next week for a week long visit to my aunt and some fun in the sun. It will be a nice way to finish up the first trimester. We get home the day before I am 13 weeks pregnant. Mathmatically, the second trimester starts a few days after that (40/3=13.3) but most books/websites make the second trimester start at 13 weeks so we are just going to go with that. Especially because we are dealing with twins and the likelihood of going all 40 weeks is very slim. I know with Elijah my OB told me I would go early but really first babies come late and I should have known better. I feel this time around I need to really be prepared for the fact that these little cuties will probably be here late January although I really hope to make to at least February 1! (38 Weeks).

I had some more fun taking belly pictures today! And of course my Elijah got in on the action. Enjoy!

Babies are as big as limes!

Here comes the belly!

Here comes the belly!

Sweet "P" and my two P's in a Pod!

Love my babies!

24 July 2013

10 Week 4 Day Ultrasound Video

We had another really awesome ultrasound today and I wanted to share our video. These babies are growing so much every day! I can hardly believe it!

19 July 2013

10 Weeks Pregnant

We made it to double digits! 10 weeks always feels like a milestone to me. When I was pregnant with Elijah, that is what I was told was really when you are "out of the woods". I know it is common that the whole first trimester is a little shaky but with all the extra monitoring of IVF patients, they seem to feel pretty confident around 10 weeks though I will still see my RE nurses for another week and half. Thank goodness. I am not ready to give up those weekly reassurances quite yet.

Babies are both doing great! They are MUCH bigger now so hard to measure with the trans-vaginal ultrasound. They are both wiggling around a lot. Petite Parish A is still easier to see than Petite Parish B because B is further back and in a little bit tighter of a space but both heart rates are in a healthy range at about 150 bpm. It is so unbelievable that there is so much going on in me that I can't even feel. I remember thinking that with Elijah but with two babies dancing around in my belly.........that just a whole other ballgame!  One that I am very excited to be a part of.

How is Mama doing? Well, I am still super tired. I get dizzy whenever I stand up, occasionally to the point that I drop to me knees. So I don't get a whole lot done and our house is suffering.  Chip is very understanding. He cleans when he has time, and when he doesn't, he just tells me that it is no biggie. I have only put on two pounds so far but they have been within the last two weeks. A little emotional eating, a little to ease queasiness.  I don't really have morning sickness per say, but I feel a little off and eating makes me feel better. I'm anxious to get off the hormones and into the second trimester so I can really focus on my diet more though I must say, I am doing pretty well right now.

This was a big week. We chose an OB. In my heart I really wanted to birth either at home in at a birth center with a midwife. Oh, how I long for that. But since we are both VBAC and having twins, it just seemed like we should opt for the safety net of a hospital. If it was one or the other, it might be a different story but as it is, we chose a hospital birth. I got references from other Mama's and found an AMAZING OB who is referred to as "The Midhusband". When I heard this I KNEW this was my guy. He even said there is a possibility I could birth in the water. They have tubs at the Woman's Pavilion and he said although no one has done that, he would not be against it. Dr. Espana believes that we have an excellent chance at VBAC (which has been made even higher because we are using an awesome doula!) and he believes this will happen for us. He said that I need to exercise and that it is very important for me to keep my weight under control. So I will have lots of protein and calcium and very little carbs. And Elijah and I will start walking again in the mornings and maybe add a little yoga in the evenings. I am determined to have my natural birth for my twins! I am giving myself a little leeway for the remainder of the first trimester and then will ease into this lifestyle that will make it happen. And maybe next time I can have my homebirth! (Okay it is no secret that I would love a dozen kids but I do think Chip may be cutting me off at three. ) Heehee.
This week, the babies are as big as prunes! 

I'm always surprised at the size of my belly in pictures because it doesn't feel like I have one yet at all. 

10 weeks today!

Elijah is going to be such an awesome big brother!

17 July 2013

Taco Bean Soup

A few nights ago I made taco soup. I used to make this a lot when Chip and I first got together and this pregnancy, I have been craving MEXICAN FOOD! So it sounded yummy! I decided it would also be a great meal to make and freeze for after the twins are born! I adjusted the recipe a little and added some other ideas for different dietary needs. I got the recipe from E-Meals, a weekly meal planning website that I used to subscribe to which offers different options (stores, dietary needs, number of family memebers) and customizes a weekly menu and shopping list just for you. I printed out all of my lists and recipes back when I subscribed and saved them. I can't wait to revisit some more of these yummy recipes!

1 Package of Morning Star Crumbles (I used a pound of ground turkey)
2 1/2 Cups Water ( I used chicken broth for richer flavor and vitamins)
2-14 oz cans Black Beans rinsed
14 oz can Pinto Beans drained
2-14 oz can Corn (I only used one) rinsed
1 can Rotel (I forgot to buy rotel so I used salsa)
14 oz can diced tomatoes
1 pkg taco seasoning
1 pkg of Hidden Valley Ranch Mix (omit to make dairy free, however this makes A LOT of soup so it is really adding very little dairy to the overall mixture. We recently discovered Elijah has a milk allergy and he did well with this soup)

My Ingredients (please excuse the messy counter)
Directions: Combine all ingredients in a LARGE stockpot and cook over med heat for 20-30 minutes. Soup can also cook on low in crockpot for 4-6 hours.

This is one of the richest, yummiest soups every! I literally have to stop myself from eating too much of it!

The finished product! It looks so good, I think I will go have another bowl!

07 July 2013

8 WeeksPregnant

Well, we spilled the beans. We are eight weeks pregnant with twins and could not be happier! I cannot wait to see Elijah as a big brother. And I am so looking forward to feeling what it is like to have TWO BABIES moving around in my belly. Can't wait for those first movements. We will continue to have doctor's appointments 1-2 times a week until about 11 weeks when I switch from our RE to an OB. We talked about using a midwife but decided since we are twin VBAC, we would play it safe so are interviewing OB's but already found an AWESOME doula that is also a midwife and a fabulous birth photographer. And the two are friends, which I think is really cool. But more on that later.

Today's appointment.......
Baby A is measuring two days ahead with heart rate of 170 bpm. Baby B is a day behind (so three days behind Baby A) and a heart beat of around 155 bpm. Both are in normal and healthy range and look great! Baby A is measuring (size and heart rate) almost exactly like Elijah did so I am wondering if we have a boy (Baby A) and a girl (Baby B). But time will tell! I couldn't ask for healthier babies so far. I pray for my little ones every day and in my heart, a already a mother of three!

How I a feeling......
Tired. Exhausted. Pooped. Did I mention tired? I was out of breath with Elijah but I don't remember being this tired. Insomnia (which is always there) has worsened as it did when I was pregnant the last time. I am not nearly as nauseous as I was before which is nice. But this fatigue is for the birds. SO if anyone feels like coming over and cleaning my house.....well, by all means. :) 4

The OHSS is pretty much gone. Well the fluid is anyway. So I am back down to my normal weight but I definitely have a tiny bump. Hey it is my second pregnancy and there are TWO BABIES in there!  Although the fluid is gone, the doctor confirmed once again that my ovaries are still giant and so in danger of twisting which is dangerous and potentially fatal. So I need to move gently. No rough housing. I am also told I can swim (Yay!) but I need to stay out of the heat, no heart rate above 120 and just be careful.

I've actually lost a pound since I got down to my pre OHSS weight which is a little surprising. I lost about 5 lbs with Elijah in the first tri but I was not able to eat. This time, I have actually not lost my appetite so I eaten more, and because I am so tired it is all about convenience. I am looking forward to the energey of second trimester so I really focus on healthy eating. I also anxious to start stockpiling frozen meals for when the baby comes but that won't be for several months.

These were actually taken at 8 Weeks 2 Days. Had hard time finding motivation this weekend but my wonderful hubby got me about and about in and back into the world today!

This week the babies are as big as raspberries!

The bump is starting to come it. I didn't realize how big it looks until I saw these pictures~
My son the camera ham, joining in on today's photo session.
Silly boy!
It is going to be so much fun to go through this pregnancy with my favorite little man.
Yowza. Big looking belly there. And I've LOST a pound!
I was just telling Chip I thought my belly was smaller than with my pregnancy with Elijah (left). Apparently I was wrong. Haha
Mama, Elijah and Petite A & B going for a fun dip!
I think my belly button is going to pop out pretty early this time around!

05 July 2013


I created this separate post because we were going to keep the fact that it's twins a secret. :) Harder than you think. We spilled the beans about the pregnancy and the twins at the same time. Haha. So here is our journey up to now.

June 17, 2013
5 Weeks 3 Days
A few days ago we found out we are having TWINS! We were able to see two sacs in our first ultrasound and I have been heavy in prayer since then praying that we will see two babies in today's ultrasound. Prayers answered. At this point they look for a yolk sac and today we saw that each sac was complete with its own yolk sac so TWO BABIES!!! We are besides ourselves with excitement. It is early so there are still lots of prayers in our hearts for these two babies to grow strong and healthy and I am looking forward to the musical sound of two heartbeats. I am hoping we get to hear that on Thursday but I know it might be late next week by the time we are able to hear that. I am so excited to carry twins. I can hardly believe it. A family of FIVE! I love the sound of that!!!

June 19, 2013
5 Weeks 5 Days
I have another ultrasound tomorrow and it can't get here fast enough. I wonder how long I am going to worry constantly about the survival of these two tiny lives. I am so in love with both these babies already and I know these first weeks are so fragile, especially it seems, with IVF babies. I have started researching Mothers Of Multiples groups and Chip and I have begun to discuss second names. I just love both these babies so much and pray for their safety and health several times a day. I believe that it is God's will for BOTH of my children to be born into this world beautifully but it is hard to let go of that fear of "what ifs". I just hope and pray we can hear TWO heartbeats tomorrow. This is around when I heard Elijah's heartbeat for the first time.

June 20, 2013
5 Weeks 6 Days
TWO HEALTHY HEARTBEATS. PRAISE JESUS! Everything looks perfect! One baby is a little smaller than the other both but are in the normal range. We could not hear the heartbeats yet but we saw them and they are both around 100 bpm. Ahhhhhhhh. I can exhale....for today. But once you get a heartbeat the risk goes down quite a bit so I am feeling so happy, grateful and full of love in my belly.

You can see Petite Parish A and Petite Parish B pretty clearly.  PPA is in the middle and PPB is to the left and down a bit. 
June 27, 2013
6 Weeks 6 Days
As you can see in the picture, Baby A (right) is living large in a deluxe condo and Baby B (right) is keeping it real in a studio apartment. The nurse said they both look great though. No concern that Baby B's sac is smaller. Both of me sweetheart babies are looking great!
Another great ultrasound. Petite A is measuring a day ahead at 9.57mm and Petite B is measuring a day behind our actual gestation age at 7.77mm. To compare, at 7 weeks, Elijah measured 1 day ahead at 10.29mm. Both babies heartbeats are around 137, which was close to what Elijah's was at this point. I don't want to compare because I know all my children will be different but I had a very healthy pregnancy with Elijah so the fact that all my babies' stats are similar is reassuring. I predict that baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl since s/she seems to be more petite. And I have just had a feeling that we have one girl and one boy baking in the oven.

July 1, 2013
7 Weeks 3 Days
We went to the Galleria for our ultrasound today to see our favorite nurse, Catalina! She took great care of us through my first trimester with Elijah (along with two other favorites, Lisa and Ceci!). I was so happy to be back at my familiar office. It was close to where I used to work to convenient back then, but quite a drive nowadays.  Petite B (who has been a about a day behind on growth) has caught up to Petite A and now they are both a day AHEAD on growth. (Taking after big brother!). Their heart beats are 136 and 152, respectively. Both great numbers. (Could this indicate Elijah will be getting a little brother AND a little sister? The sonographer seems to think so!) Babies are doing so great and I could not ask for more. Please continue to pray for all three of my children to be strong and healthy and adapt to the new world around them (Elijah's world is now full of changes!)

How am I feeling? Well the fluid has finally subsided (although my ovaries are still 4x their normal size so not out of the woods yet) and I have the smallest little pouch of a veteran pregnant mother who has TWO babies in her belly. Not showing a lot yet but it won't be long. I am still on progesterone shots to support the pregnancy. (Standard for IVF). With Elijah they started making me sick around 5 weeks. This time around I have been blessed that the sickness (which feels like the sore, achiness of the flu) just started about a week ago. It gets worse at night and it varies from tolerable to downright miserable/painful. 23 more days of shots to go! I have been on them since around May 24 so we are more than halfway done. I will be so ready. Morning sickness has not been too bad. A little nausea here and there but LOTS of fatigue, preparing me for life twin babies and a toddler (?) :)

Prayers for this weeks
Please pray for Baby A & B to thrive, continue to share nutrients well and be blessed
Please pray for Elijah health (could not handle two of us being sick right now!) and adjustment to this new normal. 
Please pray for us as we research and choose our birth team (Lots of decisions have already been made but we still have some pretty important ones in the works. 
Please pray for Chip as comes home after long days at work and takes care of ALL THREE of his babies and his pitiful wife. :) And a house that is no longer even close to neat and clean. :)
For some reason, in this angle B is on the right in this shot. Usually s/he is on the left.