27 January 2013

Nine Months Old

Nine. Months. Old. You know, before Elijah, nine months old still sounded like a baby.....and I know when I look back at this time, he will still seem like a baby but Chip and I were just discussing how, right now, to us, there is just so much more little boy in him than baby. He has his second tooth so that gummy smile that I loved so much is being replaced by the sweetest jack-o-lantern grin I have ever seen. He still prefers to have his Mama within arms reach (in fact we are going through a phase right now where this is not just a preference but a requirement) but he is fascinated by his world and loves to explore.  We have him somewhat barricaded in our living room with the help of furniture and our ottomans but our little Evel Knievel manages to find ways out either by climbing or by tunneling through our end table.  More than once I have been in the kitchen only to look down and see a naughty little monkey smiling up at me. Not only is Elijah a problem solover and quite mobile, he finding his "sea legs" and has become a very proficient walker. He is able to walk clear across the room, grab on to something, then turn around and come back. Right now I am researching which walking shoes will be the best for him as his walking journey continues to the great outdoors.

Elijah continues to say "Mama" and "Dada" though sometimes he also calls me "Mom" and "Mom Mom". No more words yet. I know several different grandparents that can't wait to hear their names in that sweet little voice. I made Elijah a board book of his family several months ago (Wrigley and Bonnie included of course) and we look at it almost every day and talk about the different people in our family. I hope this helps him to learn (and one day spell) everyone's name.  We are working on Bye Bye with a hand wave. Not quite there yet. He is able to turn lights in the room off and with the wall light switch.  As most baby's his age do, Elijah loves music. He enjoys banging a the keys on his toy piano Santa brought him for Christmas and smiles so big at the songs Mama and Daddy sing to him. We have special songs for the bath, and special grace song we sing before each meal, naptime songs and I try to have a special music time at least once a day that involves anything from a fun dance (we have danced to a lot of Pink lately) to Mama playing music and singing on the guitar. I have one children's song book that is okay, but I have been on the lookout for something a little better. We listen to a lot of Raffi so to purchase a Raffi song book so we can play the songs together. Chip and I are both passionate about music and I hope that love continues through our child(ren).

As I mentioned earlier, Elijah has been going through a pretty clingy phase which at times is wonderful. There is nothing sweeter than my little boy climbing into my lap because THAT'S where he wants to be but it can also make it difficult to get things done. Thankfully, I have a very understanding husband. This phase seems to also be accompanied by a bit of fussiness. But even so, Elijah continues to be the happiest baby I have ever known. As we close another three month period, I hope to make Elijah's three month montage as I have done since his birth so be on the lookout! Of course with the business of our life lately (swim class, Gymboree, my Photography class, Moms group, choir, church....) it may be a while before I get that completed. In the meantime, I managed to take Elijah's 9 month pictures. He is getting so very big and so very poised.
"Is it that time already, Mama"

Sweet angel baby

Such an incredible disposition

"I recognize that face!"

The happiest baby on the block....on any block!

He just loves the faces of his family

"Look Mama, there's our Wrigley!"





The boy that stole my heart

Like father, like son....spitting image of his Daddy.
Every day is a new adventure. No two days are alike. Savoring every moment with my little angel baby.

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