26 January 2013

Swim Lessons

My parents are sponsoring swim lessons for Elijah which we began this month at our local YMCA. It has been such a fun class and my baby boy just loves the water! He has been a water baby for most of his babyhood from sharing baths with me in our huge and very deep garden tub to swimming in the ocean to several pools both indoor and outdoor. He just seems so at home in the water as we swim around together and although he is definitely a warm blooded baby, he is even getting used to the cooler water of the indoor pool at the YMCA. 

The class we are taking is a parent/child class and it is so much fun to interact with the other moms and babies. The babies are learning how to get out of the pool (very important!) by climbing over the edge.  WE sing songs and play water games, they float around on noodles and this week, they learned to dunk, with our help of course. Let me just tell you that for a mother to pull her baby into  and UNDER the water is sort of traumatic the first couple of times. I pretty much had to psych myself up to do it and was definitely not the first in line. But Elijah, true to form, was laid back and took it in stride. He was surprised, that is for sure, but took some deep breaths and we went back for more. The YMCA has  a strict photography policy during the lessons but they let you take pictures and video after class off to the side which we were excited to take advantage of and managed to not only get some photos but we got the dunking on video!

Me and my water baby!

He loves to float. When he is in the noodle, he lays back and the other moms say he looks like he's floating down the river in tube.

My little fishy.

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