25 December 2011

A Christmas Letter To My Son

Dear Elijah,
It is six thirty on Christmas morning.  Your Daddy, Uncle Mark (he slept over for Christmas!)  and Wrigley and Bonnie are still asleep and I am  enjoying the quiet of the morning thinking of you.  It is amazing to me that just a year ago,  my heart felt so incomplete with longing for you.  Last Christmas was not a great one.  Uncle Bill died and we had just found out that you were not yet on the way.  It was a sad year, and sad Christmas for our family.  I look at what this year has brought and all the joy that is in our lives .  Your Daddy and I have been so blessed.  Your Grandma and Graddad Parish moved back to Houston, I found an amazing new job but the biggest blessing this year has been the expected arrival of our little baby boy.

This year, we honor you by including you in our festivities because even though you are not born, you are
already a member of this family.  There is a stocking on our fireplace for you.  You have gifts under the tree, and one is even from Santa!  You are included in our holiday conversations (and just about every other conversation that I have!).  We feel your presence already. Last year you were in my heart. This year you are in my  belly. And next year you will be in my arms. What a blessing.

Christmas has always been an extra special time in my family throughout my childhood. It was and continues to be the same with your Dad's side of the family.  We are looking forward to bringing some of our childhood traditions into your childhood as well as creating brand new ones just for you and your future siblings.  There are so many wonderful, festive things that we will get to share with you starting next year!  I can't wait to see your face when we take you to see Christmas lights, and when you get to meet Santa! Some children are a little afraid of him at first but I have a feeling you will  love  sitting in his lap!  I can't wait to see you surrounded by your loving family who all  are excited to hold you and play with you.  Elijah, you have a HUGE family who all are very eagerly anticipating your arrival. Not all of them are family by blood,  but  they are no less family. Next Christmas will be one of incredible celebration and blessings.   I look forward to sharing you with all those you who love you.  In the meantime, keep safe in my body. You are doing a great job so far! You are healthy and strong and I love you dearly. 
 Merry Christmas, Elijah.

 -Your Loving Mother

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