20 July 2014

A Haven For Three

Well the pictures are hung. That always seems to be the finishing touch for my nurseries. Mostly because many of the pictures I like to have hanging on the walls of my nurseries are taken after the baby’s (ies) birth. When I felt like Elijah’s nursery was “complete” I did a blog post to help document for myself what life was like in that sweet little room and I am excited to do the same with the twins. It is no secret that I co sleep with my babies. This time around it is a little more like musical beds than it was with Elijah. There is a rock n play next to the futon that I share with both babies and usually someone (whoever goes to bed first) starts out in the crib. It is always  my goal that when one wakes up, the other does not so sometimes that means moving little people around but most nights, the three of us are in bed together at some point and those are my favorite times. And there is almost ALWAYS some little person bed sharing with me. It is just the way we do things. It works for us. It works for lots of people. And I wouldn’t change a thing. Okay, stepping off soapbox to show you around……


Welcome to our nursery. Population 3. Look, there is one of the locals lounging around on our bed.


A friendly local


A somewhat aerial view


A view of some of the photos I hung. I am pretty excited that the design turned out so awesome. I now sit in the nursery, rocking my babies and just look around and feel good about my nursery. It feels finished now that the walls are no longer so blank.


My pumping station. One of the reasons this room was chosen as a nursery the first time around (and remained so with the twins) is the fact that it has a sink right in the room. I start my day sitting in front of the sink on the glider ottoman and pumping milk for my freezer stash (which I believe is close to 2000 oz right now!). It is then that I start my day with devotions and prayer (see the stack of books to the left) and record any milestones in the baby books and calendars


One either side of the sink are the two milestone calendars for the twins. I write each of their names next to the month so I can tell who’s is who at a quick glance.


I recently took the changing pad off the dresser since I always end up changing babies on the bed anyway. Now I have a great place for pictures, my oil diffuser (great for peaceful sleep!), and other adornments.  The painting is one Elijah painted for the babies to decorate their nursery before they were born. My stack of books is easily accessible from the futon. Currently I am rereading The No Cry Nap Solution to scan for helpful hints with Rory’s nap resistance. I also keep my oils and my Wishgarden Colic Ease ( great for sleep fighters! Seriously we go through a bottle every two weeks!)


This bookshelf was one of the first pieces of furniture I acquired when I moved to Houston. A great thrift store find by my aunt and grandmother and has come to be a key piece in my nursery.


Two very elemental components to my haven.


My sweet boys and their first prints. When I dreamed of making these prints, I envisioned it happening right after their birth in our bedroom. As it was, Rory’s was done at about ten days old and Patrick at about two weeks.


I love this wall of pictures. The top captures the element of the “home” part of my birth and where I had hoped to give birth to my babies. The bottom is Elijah meeting one of his brothers for the first time (Rory the day after he was born).


And here comes big brother now!


I am just in love with every photo on this wall. This is our journey in a few photos.


My baby A & B and Chip and I holding the onesies from Grandmother and Grandaddy at our Gender Reveal Party. (Side note: I just now noticed that the clock has somehow shifted. I guess I don’t look at it as often as  thought I would)


I so love our nursery décor and the package I found on Amazon. It included EVERYTHING, even the elephant on the shelf and the decals on the wall. Side note…..the mobile to the left….I HIGHLY reccomet. It is by fisher price. Battery operated and has a projection feature which works both with the blue umbrella part but also will project on the ceiling when baby is too advanced for an actual mobile. You can also just use the music part. Great purchase! Elijah loved it and it has totally helped all my children fall asleep on their own!

I just love my nursery. I love that it is my room too right now, I get to really enjoy the sweetness of it and savor it. Here’s a quick look back at what it looked like when it was Elijah’s and mine….





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