16 February 2014

Patrick Is Two Weeks Old

Our Patrick came home at 12 days old! Since then (two days) we have been working hard to build his attachment. Life at home is so much different than in the NICU where time to get held was pretty limited.  Patrick is used to basically just hanging out on his own so I was so thrilled to get him home and start to build that same attachment with him that I enjoy with Elijah and already Rory.
At this point, Patrick is proving to be a low needs baby. He is not at all demanding so I am sure to spend plenty of time cuddling and loving on him even though he seems quite content to hang out on his own. That is just not the kind of parenting we practice and he seems to enjoy the cuddling and kisses very much. I look forward to him being a bit more demand of my attention as he grows accustomed to the lifestyle of being a baby in our home.
Because he was in the NICU, Patrick was mostly bottle fed pumped breast milk. We knew this would get him home faster and were grateful that I did still get to nurse him a bit. He is able to latch on and nurse and will sometimes do it but still depends greatly on the bottle. I am looking forward to a visit from our IBCLC (Lactation Consultant) this week to really get some help on weaning him from the bottle to being a full time nursling. So important to our family!
Patrick continues to be pretty easy at night. He wakes to feed as the NICU had him on a three hour feeding schedule but then goes right back to sleep. I am also looking forward to feeding this little guy on demand as I believe that is much healthier. Twice a day, we have to give Patrick a shot for his blood clots (more in that when I post about his NICU stay) and that is just really not much fun for any of us. But, again, so grateful to have the ability to administer these meds at home! We will have our first post NICU appointment with Patrick’s hematologist on Friday and I’m hoping at that point to know more about what to expect as far as after care goes.
But for now, we are just enjoying having our complete family of five (and Wrigley!) home together! It is wonderful to see Patrick and Rory together. At first they didn’t seem to really pay attention to one another but now, they are so sweet when I put them together, checking one another out and just really seem to be re-bonding.

Patrick had his first doctor appointment with our family doctor as well and we found that he is 6 pounds 5 ounces. (Birth weight was 6 pounds 10 ounces). The NICU told us to expect this as he did not lose initial weight like most babies because he was on an IV during his treatment. Everything else looked great on him! We are blessed with a sweet healthy baby!
Patrick is discharged from the NICU on my due date, Valentines Day at 12 days old, 11pm!
Our boys together at least, for the first time since birth! (Rory left, Patrick Right)
My two boys in my arms at last!
My little snuggle bunnies

My sweet twins
Sweet Patrick at two weeks old
Sweet baby foot. My little Patrick.
Sweet sleeping boy
I tried to do sitting up photos like I did with Rory at 10 days but Patrick is not quite there yet. Not surprising considering his first 12 days were spent mostly laying down. I am sure he will catch up in no time with lots of love, attention and stimulation!
Pictures in the bouncy seat worked out much better! Such a cute yawn!
Just love my tiny baby!
Enjoying some time in the swing.

1 comment:

  1. I know they're 2 weeks old already, but seeing them next to you on the couch, it kind of mind blowing that there was that much baby inside of you at some point!

    They are both SO CUTE. That second to last picture of Patrick is ridiculous. He looks like a little man already!!
