18 February 2014

Bump 2 Baby Newborn Photos

Abby with Bump 2 Baby Photography did some newborn shots for our baby boys and they turned out awesome! I am in love with so many of these pictures it will be so hard to choose which to print! Because of Patrick’s NICU stay the babies were two weeks two days when these photos were taken.


Little Patrick cracks a sweet smile


Patrick…cute little peanut


Just love the stocking caps


Sweet little Rory


Little sleepy Rory.


Two peas in a pod.


My Baby A (Rory)

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I so adore how the Mama and me pictures turned out!


Love these boys


Grandmother got these for the babies almost as soon as we confirmed it was twins. So cute!

Cute little Patrick.






17 February 2014

Clean Beef Stew

3lbs  shoulder beef chuck
1 can diced tomatoes
16 ounces frozen corn
16 ounces regular cut green beans
4-5 smallish to medium potatoes, diced (I don’t peal them)
1tbsp garlic
4-5  cups beef stock

Salt and Pepper to taste
Combine beef, beef stock garlic and salt and pepper.  Cook on med low for seven hours.  Shred beef with two forks. I remove and put it in a big bowl to shred. It should shred easily. Add remaining ingredients and cook for another 30-60 minutes. Enjoy! This is seriously one of the yummiest things I make!

16 February 2014

Patrick Is Two Weeks Old

Our Patrick came home at 12 days old! Since then (two days) we have been working hard to build his attachment. Life at home is so much different than in the NICU where time to get held was pretty limited.  Patrick is used to basically just hanging out on his own so I was so thrilled to get him home and start to build that same attachment with him that I enjoy with Elijah and already Rory.
At this point, Patrick is proving to be a low needs baby. He is not at all demanding so I am sure to spend plenty of time cuddling and loving on him even though he seems quite content to hang out on his own. That is just not the kind of parenting we practice and he seems to enjoy the cuddling and kisses very much. I look forward to him being a bit more demand of my attention as he grows accustomed to the lifestyle of being a baby in our home.
Because he was in the NICU, Patrick was mostly bottle fed pumped breast milk. We knew this would get him home faster and were grateful that I did still get to nurse him a bit. He is able to latch on and nurse and will sometimes do it but still depends greatly on the bottle. I am looking forward to a visit from our IBCLC (Lactation Consultant) this week to really get some help on weaning him from the bottle to being a full time nursling. So important to our family!
Patrick continues to be pretty easy at night. He wakes to feed as the NICU had him on a three hour feeding schedule but then goes right back to sleep. I am also looking forward to feeding this little guy on demand as I believe that is much healthier. Twice a day, we have to give Patrick a shot for his blood clots (more in that when I post about his NICU stay) and that is just really not much fun for any of us. But, again, so grateful to have the ability to administer these meds at home! We will have our first post NICU appointment with Patrick’s hematologist on Friday and I’m hoping at that point to know more about what to expect as far as after care goes.
But for now, we are just enjoying having our complete family of five (and Wrigley!) home together! It is wonderful to see Patrick and Rory together. At first they didn’t seem to really pay attention to one another but now, they are so sweet when I put them together, checking one another out and just really seem to be re-bonding.

Patrick had his first doctor appointment with our family doctor as well and we found that he is 6 pounds 5 ounces. (Birth weight was 6 pounds 10 ounces). The NICU told us to expect this as he did not lose initial weight like most babies because he was on an IV during his treatment. Everything else looked great on him! We are blessed with a sweet healthy baby!
Patrick is discharged from the NICU on my due date, Valentines Day at 12 days old, 11pm!
Our boys together at least, for the first time since birth! (Rory left, Patrick Right)
My two boys in my arms at last!
My little snuggle bunnies

My sweet twins
Sweet Patrick at two weeks old
Sweet baby foot. My little Patrick.
Sweet sleeping boy
I tried to do sitting up photos like I did with Rory at 10 days but Patrick is not quite there yet. Not surprising considering his first 12 days were spent mostly laying down. I am sure he will catch up in no time with lots of love, attention and stimulation!
Pictures in the bouncy seat worked out much better! Such a cute yawn!
Just love my tiny baby!
Enjoying some time in the swing.

Our Brave Boy Patrick & His 12 Day NICU Stay

Life for my sweet babies did not begin as I had hoped, prayed and planned. Especially the first almost two weeks for my sweet little Patrick. I am slowing working on processing the birth experience and getting it down in writing but in the meantime, I want to make sure to document our brave boy’s NICU stay in order to share what he has been through and how far he has come.
Patrick’s birth was very traumatic for him. Rory was born pretty easily but Patrick (our Baby B) had trouble descending and his heart rate kept dropping. Attempts were made to pull him out via vacuum when it became clear he needed help and a cesarean seemed immanent. His heart rate had dropped several times during the 45 minute attempt to push him and finally he was taken from me via c-section with the intention of preventing further trauma or damage. Our Patrick was born without breath or heartbeat and I was not even able to see him before he was whisked away with me urging my husband, torn between me and Rory and Patrick, to stay with our sick baby. Patrick’s hear beat started pretty quickly after birth but it was not until he arrived at the NICU that he was able to breathe on his own, a blessing in and of itself. Due to the trauma of his birth and the unknown time he went without oxygen, it was decided that a semi new preventative treatment would be beneficial to Patrick. Patrick was born at 7:12pm on February 2. By 8:30 pm Patrick, still having never been held by either of his parents, was settled into the NICU wrapped in a cooling blanket that would keep his body temperature at 93 degrees for the next 72 hours.
Patrick on his cooling blanket.
Seeing and kissing my baby for the first time the morning after he was born.
I was not able to get down to the NICU until the next morning but Chip stayed with Patrick until he was settled. He was put on morphine for the duration of his treatment and given nutrition through IV fluids. He was then slowly warmed over 12 hours once his treatment was complete and only then was I able to hold my baby and feed him.
In the eight days that followed, several things happened. The first was an MRI to check for brain damage and signs of seizure. None was found, praise God, but there were some suspicious spots that were found and needed further inspection. A later CT scan showed clotting on the brain. The cause which could be anything from birth trauma, to prenatal or even could have resulted from his earlier cold treatment. The clots would need to be addressed and treated so family history was taken, a protocol was decided upon and medication levels were determined through trial and error. Patrick will be on a blood thinner called Lovenox, administered now by me twice a day via a shot for 6 to 12 weeks.  He has his levels checked once a week and medication adjusted accordingly and will have a CT scan to make sure the treatment is effective.
While in the NICU, Patrick also had to learn how to eat. Because he went for four days without the opportunity nurture this instinct, I was surprised when he latched on at my first attempt to nurse him at 8 days old. However I also knew the NICU wanted to monitor his intake and that it was not practical with another baby, for me to be able to nurse him for every feed and so the bottle was introduced. Patrick struggled to eat the “minimum” for the first several days and even my attempts at nursing during those days were feeble at best. But after a lot of prayer from friends and family and determination from myself, Chip, my mom, Aunt Linda and other family members and nurses, Patrick’s eating picked up and everything came together at once on February 14….Valentine’s Day…My due date. Patrick had eaten the minimum for 24 hours, his level came back where they needed to be and it was decided that Patrick would go home that night.
I cannot put into words how sad it makes me that my baby went without affection and feeling physical contact (except some limited touches and kisses), being held for four days and after that only intermittent contact until his release. My parenting philosophy is basically to not put my babies down, to feed on demand and shower them with affection. I will forever mourn the fact that the first almost two weeks of Patrick’s life, I was not able to give him what I see as such an important and immediate primal need to be loved. I will always wonder if and how it affected him permanently and I will always be amazed how beautifully and quickly he seemed to overcome this hard beginning. Thanks to prayers, thanks to a merciful God, thanks to some amazing doctors and nurses and thanks to an inner strength that is found in my baby.
I see Patrick thriving and growing and although I believe those days of isolation affected him, he is overcoming it day by day. Through both our hard work, Patrick is now off the bottle completely as of 2/21! He is alert and quickly catching up to his twin brother in strength and already caught up in awareness. We are so grateful for the outpouring of prayers and love that we have received for both of our babies and are just so grateful to have everyone home together. Those 12 days were hard on Patrick but also on our whole family. I wonder about Patrick and Rory, who had spent 9 months together in the womb, missing one another. Chip, Elijah and I spent so much time apart instead of transitioning together as a family of five and Elijah most of all, who missed being with me, his mommy who he was used to being with 24/7. I had worked so hard at building that attachment with my first born and it was so hard to be away from him. I am just so grateful to have my family back together….healthy….happy…..and whole.
Patrick’s name tag in the NICU made by one of the nurses
Below are some sweet pictures taken by The Tiny Footprints Project, a group of photographers that donate their time and talent to NICU families to photograph their babies.
Our sweet Patrick freshly off of the cooling blanket
Patrick had IV’s placed in a different spot every time I visited him. It made me so nervous to hold him because I was scared to hurt him. I know IV’s can hurt!
I love the sweet friend that took these and that I have these early days with my captured.
Sweet moments stolen in the NICU
Chip was the first to get to hold Patrick.
This was the first time I held my baby

Aunt Linda with the littlest Parish
My dad holding his “youngest” grandson
Looking up at his Pop
As coincidence would have it, our favorite NP used to work from my dad! She took amazing care of us before we all discovered this connection!
February 14, 2014 approximately 11:00pm…Patrick is on his way home…….

Adventures In Babywearing: Our First Tandem Attempt

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with twins I was SO EXCITED at the idea of tandem babywearing my twins and maybe even Elijah at the beginning!  Finally getting Patrick home gave me the opportunity to start trying! I have a friend coming over next week that is an expert in babywearing who is going to help me learn the different newborn tandem carries that will work with my woven wraps, moby and my ring slings. But I had to give it a shot myself and I don’t think I did too bad for a first attempt! The boys seemed to enjoy to closeness and I LOVED the feeling of having them both so near me again at the same time. I am looking forward to many months and years of wearing these sweet boys!

AK Francois Newborn Photos of our Boys




AK Francios Photography offered to photograph our twins once Patrick came home. It is so much fun to see the different styles of different photographers and enjoy looking at my babies through their eyes. She did a fabulous job capturing the peace of my baby boys as they sleep.


Sleep little Patrick. (You will notice that Patrick is the better sleeper which is why the newborn shots have more pictures of him by himself than Rory by himself).


Snug as two bugs in a rug…


Nothing so sweet as baby feet.


My little angel babies


Cute shot of Rory’s piggies


Sleeping Rory


My little pooh bear Patrick


Patrick……So Tired….


Protective slightly older brother




Sweet twin boys


My little cute bears…..